Thanks Mike.


On Oct 6, 2012, at 8:12 AM, Mike Schrag <> wrote:

> There is no api exposed to cancel fetches in EOF … you'd need to do this with 
> JDBC. Also, never use Thread.stop because it can leave your thread in a 
> totally unknown state. You could use Thread.interrupt, but it will probably 
> have similar behavior to what you are seeing with stop (that is, interrupting 
> the IO rather than the query itself).
> ms
> On Oct 6, 2012, at 3:53 AM, Ricardo Parada <> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Does EOF have a way to interrupt the thread when it is blocked waiting on 
>> the results of evaluateExpression()?
>> In JDBC if I have the following code:
>>      ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery(sql);
>> and the thread blocks in the executeQuery() waiting for the results then I 
>> can have a watch dog thread that I spawned previously with access to the 
>> statement and if the elapsed time exceeds a threshold I have the watch dog 
>> thread do a statement.cancel() which causes the thread blocked in the 
>> executeQuery() to throw a SQLException immediately.  So I can use this 
>> mechanism to interrupt the query.
>> Is there something similar in EOF?  IF EOF allowed access to the underlying 
>> jdbc Statement being executed I'm sure it would be possible.  I see that 
>> JDBCChannel has a _statement i-var which holds the Statement object but it 
>> is not a public i-var.  Something like a cancel() in the EOAdaptorChannel 
>> which called the cancel() in super class (JDBCChannel) which would then call 
>> the cancel() to the _statement.  That would be great.  But I don't see such 
>> a thing.  EOAdaptorChannel has cancelFetch() but nowhere does it do a 
>> _statement.cancel().
>> Any ideas?  If there is no way then my workaround would be to use EOF to 
>> build the SQL from my qualifiers, etc. and then use JDBC's executeQuery() to 
>> process it.  It should not be that bad as I only fetch a single attribute.  
>> But the FROM and WHERE clause is where it gets hairy and why I want to use 
>> EOF.  It can go so hairy that this is the reason why I want to be able to 
>> interrupt it.
>> I tried using Thread's stop(t) on the thread blocked on evaluateExpression() 
>> but it does not return right away.  It appears that it interrupts the thread 
>> until the database server starts sending the results and about to start the 
>> fetching.
>> Let me know please if anyone has any ideas.
>> Thanks,
>> Ricardo
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