If I right-click on the .eomodeld file in the WO Explorer in Eclipse and select 
properties there, I get the same properties window as you have ( with the sole 
difference that I also have "SVN Info" since I have the project in SubVersion. 
The other preference window I got after opening the eomodeld in EOModeler and 
select the project->properties menu from within EOModeler..

But even there I see "Inherited from container (UTF-8)" where you have 
"Inherited from container (MacRoman)".

Here's a snippet from our "Eclipse configuration guide" which we abide by :)

Component text encoding
• Right click on components.woo file and "Open with" - "Text Editor".
• Replace encoding with "NSUTF8StringEncoding"

Settings in Eclipse
• All textfiles, code and components shall be UTF-8 encoded. Preferences - 
General - Workspace - Text file Encoding (flipi) - Other: UTF-8 (there is one 
exception from this rule, textfiles need to be saved as UTF-16. That is set for 
each textfile separately and on demand.
• (Text file line delimiter UNIX ?)

Since you already created a project with MacRoman, you may need to recreate the 
project after changing the settings and restarting Eclipse, but you may also 
change the encoding of the project (right-click the project and select 
preferences) and then change the encoding of each file as you move on. - Unless 
your project is already very complex, a recreation may be beneficial in the 
long run.

Með kveðju,
Þór Sigurðsson
Tölvunarfræðingur - forritari
Sími: 580-2000

Umferðarstofa - Borgartún 30 - 105 Reykjavík

On 12.2.2013, at 18:50, yizi wang wrote:

I do have properties inspector from Project menu.. But for some reason it only 
shows very little items... See attached screenshots, one is your original, the 
other is mine.

Any reason why they are so different? Any lib/framework I need to add to the 
project in order to fix this?

Thanks for your help again.


<Screen shot 2013-02-12 at 11.38.44 AM.png>

On Feb 7, 2013, at 12:56 AM, Þór Sigurðsson wrote:

> Hi,
> You sure there's no "Properties" in the "Project" menu of the EOModeler ?
> If there's none, that would sound very odd..
> For the record, the screenshot I took is from Eclipse 3.8 and it's relevant 
> libraries. I do have 4.2 running in a VM, but I can assure you there's not 
> big difference...
> (in case my screenshot isn't too clear, those are two windows - the modeller 
> and its property window... )
> Með kveðju,
> Þór Sigurðsson
> Tölvunarfræðingur - forritari
> Sími: 580-2000
> [cid:_4_0390B880039098AC0030153F00257A8B]
> Umferðarstofa - Borgartún 30 - 105 Reykjavík
> On 7.2.2013, at 02:17, yizi wang wrote:
> Thanks a lot Þór Sigurðsson! I didn't know of that. So that's probobaly it!
> Maybe my eomodeler is old. I don't see such option there.
> Do I need a newer version of everything?
> <__eomodeler.gif>
> On Feb 5, 2013, at 12:52 AM, Þór Sigurðsson wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm not sure this is the issue, but have you set your project properties to 
>> use UTF-8 ?
>> Fron the EOModeller, project->properties:
>> [cid:61A89D27-1231-4586-A6B4-9372DDAAFF97]
>> On 4.2.2013, at 20:53, yizi wang wrote:
>> I'm using mysql with default char set in my.cnf  like
>> [client]
>> #password = your_password
>> default-character-set = utf8
>> port = 3306
>> socket = /tmp/mysql.sock
>> # Here follows entries for some specific programs
>> # The MySQL server
>> [mysqld]
>> port = 3306
>> socket = /tmp/mysql.sock
>> datadir = /datastore/DBData/mysqldata
>> default-character-set = utf8
>> collation-server = utf8_unicode_ci
>> init-connect='SET NAMES utf8'
>> character-set-server = utf8
>> ===============================
>> But the EOModeler still generate tables with
>> Is there anything wrong with my settings of Eclipse/WOLisp/WebObjects?
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