One year ago at WOWODC12 I said I'd write a WO Book. It was not done by year 
end as I hoped, but now it is here!!! I wrote it just for fun, it's a hobby 
project and so I often had to interrupt working on it when a customer 
threatened my with work he was willing to pay for. Anyway, it's done now, just 
some minor formatting task left for the final print. And already I do have more 
than enough ideas for a successor. No promise yet, might take another year -- 
and of course only when there is interest being shown.

The book will go to print within the next couple weeks. 

I'll bring pre-print evaluation copies to WOWODC13. One more reason to come to 
Montréal!! Be the first to actually see and browse and read the new book about 
WebObjects and Wonder.

Table of Contents
Part A  - The Environment       8
1       Introduction    9
1.1     A bit of history        9
1.2     Where do we stand today?        10
1.3     What do you need to create great Project Wonder applications?   10
1.4     Hi-level overview of the frameworks     10
1.4.1   What is a Framework?    11
1.4.2   WebObjects Frameworks   11
1.4.3   Project Wonder Frameworks       11
2       Setting up your development environment 13
2.1     What do you need?       13
2.1.1   Hardware suitable for Project Wonder development        13
2.1.2   Software needed for Project Wonder development  13
2.2     Where goes what?        14
2.3     Installing the tools    16
2.3.1   Automatic installation of Eclipse and WOLips    16
2.3.2   Manual installation of Eclipse and WOLips       17
2.4     Installing the frameworks       20
2.4.1   Installing WebObjects   20
2.4.2   Installing Project Wonder       21
2.4.3   Final test if everything is installed properly  30
3       Where to get help       34
Part B - Basic Concepts and Classes     36
4       Our first application   37
4.1     Overview of the request-response-loop   37
4.2     Direct connect during development       37
4.3     Layout of the BasicConcepts Project     37
4.4     Editing and working with Components     40
5       Design patterns 47
5.1     Model View Controller   47
5.2     Key Value Coding        49
5.2.1   Let’s play a bit with key-value-coding  49
5.2.2   For the Curious: The NSKeyValueCoding Interface 52
5.3     Summary 52
6       Request Response Loop   53
6.1     The WOAdaptor   54
6.2     The classes WORequest and ERXRequest    55
6.3     The classes WOResponse and ERXResponse  56
6.4     The classes WOContext and ERXWOContext  56
6.5     Summary 57
7       Application, Session, and Component Classes     58
7.1     The Application class ERXApplication    58
7.1.1   Playing with the application class      59
7.2     The Session class ERXSession    60
7.2.1   Session mechanics in Wonder     61
7.2.2   Session id with cookies 62
7.2.3   Lifetime of a session   64
7.3     The view/controller combo WOComponent and the controller class 
ERXComponent     66
7.3.1   What is a (WO)component?        66
7.3.2   Layout of a component   66
7.3.3   Creating a new component object 67
7.3.4   The view part of a component    68
7.3.5   Other parts of a component      69
7.4     Summary 70
8       Flow of control 71
8.1     awake() and sleep() methods     71
8.2     Processing the request  73
8.2.1   Phase 1, getting input data from the request    73
8.2.2   Phase 2, acting upon the request, processing the data   74
8.2.3   Phase 3, generating the response        74
8.3     Handling of navigation  74
8.4     The page cache and backtracking 77
8.5     Summary 79
9       Wonder has its own advanced collection classes  80
9.1     Array-like classes NSArray and NSMutableArray   80
9.2     Playing with NSArray and NSMutableArray 80
9.3     HashMap-like classes NSDictionary and NSMutableDictionary       81
9.4     Playing with NSDictionary and NSMutableDictionary       81
9.5     Summary 82
10      Repeating and Conditional HTML  83
10.1    Repeating Data in a Web Page with WORepetiton   83
10.2    Conditional HTML        86
10.3    Summary 88
11      HTML forms and gathering user input     89
11.1    The WOForm element      89
11.2    Text input fields       89
11.2.1  WOTextField     90
11.2.2  WOText  91
11.2.3  WOPasswordField 91
11.3    Checkboxes and Radio Buttons    91
11.4    Popup Buttons and Selection Lists       94
11.5    Arbitrary Dynamic html Elements? WOGenericElement and 
WOGenericContainer to the rescue  96
11.6    Actions make Things happen – Elements that can trigger Actions  96
11.7    Summary 99
12      Custom Components       100
12.1    Creating a custom component     100
12.2    The WOComponentContent Component        108
Part C - Enterprise Objects     111
13      Enterprise Objects      112
13.1    What are Enterprise Objects?    112
13.2    Enterprise Objects have Behavior        112
13.3    The Technical Side of Enterprise Objects        112
14      The Editing Context     114
14.1    The classes ERXEC and EOEditingContext  114
14.2    Accessing the editing context   114
14.3    Working with your own editing context   115
15      Objects and the Relational World – The Data Model       116
15.1    Entities, Classes, and Relational Tables        116
15.2    Creating the EOModel    117
15.3    Creating entities       122
15.4    Creating attributes and other entities  124
15.4.1  Attribute Settings      126
15.5    Adding simple relationships     128
15.6    Adding a many-to-many relationship      129
15.7    Add the JDBC driver for your database to the project    132
15.8    Generating the database structure       133
15.9    Generating the Java class files 134
15.9.1  How Java class files are being generated        135
16      Fetching Enterprise Objects     139
16.1    Qualifying – How To Build Qualifiers    139
16.1.1  Testing for equality    139
16.1.2  Wildcard qualifying     139
16.1.3  Qualifying across a key path    139
16.1.4  Building an SQL like qualifying string  139
16.1.5  Qualifying for NULL values      140
16.1.6  In-Memory Filtering of an Array 140
16.2    What Order Do You Like Your Objects? – Sorting  140
16.2.1  In-Memory Sorting of an Array   141
16.3    The Fetch Specification ERXFetchSpecification   141
16.3.1  Building a Fetch Specification Manually in Code 141
16.4    FetchSpecification in the Model 142
16.5    Putting it all together 146
16.6    Using the Wonder Convenience Methods for Fetching       146
16.7    Using EOUtilities Convenience Methods   147
16.8    A Complete Fetch Example        147
17      Editing Enterprise Objects      152
17.1    The Editing Context revisited   152
17.2    Creating New Enterprise Objects 153
17.3    Deleting Enterprise Objects     153
17.4    Saving Changes, Reverting Enterprise Objects to Previous State  153
18      Working with Relationships      155
18.1    Adding an Object to a Relationship      156
18.2    Breaking the Relationship between Objects       156
18.3    WOToOneRelationship and WOToManyRelationship Components 157
Part D - More Useful Things     159
19      Working with Cookies    160
19.1    Sending cookies in the response 160
19.2    Receiving cookies in the request        161
19.3    A cookie example        161
19.4    Issues with cookies     165
20      Display Groups and Batch Navigation     166
20.1    What is a display group?        166
20.2    Using a display group   166
20.3    Defining and Initializing a Display Group with the Graphical Editor     
20.4    Batch Navigation with Display Groups    172
20.5    How does a display group work under the hood?   175
20.6    “To DisplayGroup” or not “To DisplayGroup”, that’s the Question!        
20.7    Initializing a Display Group in Code    176
21      Direct Actions  177
21.1    Direct Actions – a Lightweight Request-Response-Loop    177
21.2    There are different request handlers to a Wonder application    177
21.3    Setting the Default Request Handler     178
21.4    Direct Actions in Action        178
21.4.1  The Main component      179
21.4.2  Direct Action Methods   181
21.4.3  Accessing Form Values   181
21.4.4  Accessing the Database and the Editing Context  182
21.5    Direct Actions and Sessions     182
21.6    Creating direct action URLs     183
21.7    When would you use direct actions?      183
21.8    Example: Using a direct action to generate a CSV file   184
22      Debugging and Logging   186
22.1    Generating log output to the console    186
22.1.1  Using NSLog     186
22.1.2  Logging with Log4j      187
22.1.3  Logging SQL statements  188
Part E - Deployment     191
23      Introduction to Deployment      192
23.1    Requirements    192
23.2    The Big Picture 193
23.3    Deployment Architecture 194
23.4    Split install   194
23.5    The Role of wotaskd     194
23.6    The Role of JavaMonitor 195
24      Setting up the Server   197
24.1    Preparing the Directory Structure       197
24.2    Installing JavaMonitor and wotaskd      197
24.3    Setting up the Web Server and WOAdaptor 200
24.4    Creating Symbolic Links for Convenience 203
24.5    Setting up the Server in JavaMonitor    204
25      Building Your Application for Deployment        209
26      Deploying Your Application      216
26.1    Bring the Application over to the Server        216
26.2    Making the Application known to JavaMonitor and wotaskd 217
26.3    Managing the application with JavaMonitor       221
26.3.1  Configuring the Site    221
26.3.2  Application Settings    226
Table of Pictures and Graphics  230
Index           233

Markus Ruggiero
Check out the new book about Project Wonder and WebObjects on

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