Hi Ted,

You can use Ramsey's AjaxNotifcationCenter for this. The code has moved here: 

You'll need a few rules, along these lines:

80 : propertyChangedDelegate != null => aboveDisplayPropertyKeys = 
("ajaxNotificationCenter") [com.webobjects.directtoweb.Assignment]
100 : ((task = 'create' or task = 'edit') and entity.name = 'Person') => 
propertyChangedDelegate = 
120 : ((task = 'create' or task = 'edit') and entity.name = 'Person' and 
(propertyKey = 'isFemale' or propertyKey = 'salutation')) => componentName = 
"AjaxObservingSwitch" [com.webobjects.directtoweb.Assignment]
100 : ((task = 'create' or task = 'edit') and entity.name = 'Person' and 
propertyKey = 'isFemale') => customComponentName = "ERD2WCustomEditBoolean" 
100 : ((task = 'create' or task = 'edit') and entity.name = 'Person' and 
propertyKey = 'salutation') => customComponentName = "ERD2WEditString" 

And you need to implement PropertyChangedDelegate to tell the notification 
center which containers should be updated:

public class PersonPropertyChangedDelegate implements PropertyChangedDelegate {

    public NSArray<String> propertyChanged(D2WContext context) {
        String prop = context.propertyKey();
        if (Person.ATTRIBUTE_isFemale.equals(prop)) {
            return new NSArray<String>(Person.ATTRIBUTE_salutation);
        return NSArray.emptyArray();


Make sure your page component has the "aboveDisplayPropertyKeys" section.

HTH, Fabian

P.S.: Why was the code moved to the archives and not integrated into 

Am 21.12.2014 um 03:33 schrieb Theodore Petrosky <tedp...@yahoo.com>:

> i have these relationships
> PersonBook toOne Book toOne Show
> PersonBook toOne Person
> When I am creating a new personBook, I want a Show popup that lists all 
> shows. if I select the Show, the Book popup is given the short list of books 
> for that show.
> So, with no Show selected the Book list would be quite long.
> I am looking at the Ajax dependent popups and I have done this before in a 
> regular Wonder app, but never in D2W.
> Is there a component to create this dependent popup setup in D2W?
> Maybe I need to rethink the whole structure of the database.
> Ted
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