All done.  I created feature branches as suggested and used them to create the 
pull requests.

Thanks for the help.


> On Mar 19, 2017, at 3:21 AM, Ricardo Parada <> wrote:
> That sounds like what is going on. I'll give that a shot tomorrow. Thanks 
> Chuck. 
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Mar 19, 2017, at 2:59 AM, Chuck Hill < 
> <>> wrote:
>> Hi Ricardo,
>> You need to create a branch (push from your local) in your GitHub fork of 
>> Wonder for each set of changes in GitHub (aka a Feature Branch), then make a 
>> pull request from that branch to Wonder.  Otherwise all of your changes get 
>> inter-mixed.
>> Chuck
>> From: Ricardo Parada < <>>
>> Date: Saturday, March 18, 2017 at 11:22 PM
>> To: " <>" 
>> < <>>
>> Cc: Markus Ruggiero < 
>> <>>, Paul Hoadley < 
>> <>>, " 
>> <>" < <>>, 
>> " <>" 
>> < <>>, Chuck Hill 
>> < <>>, " 
>> <>" < 
>> <>>
>> Subject: Re: ERXQuery Preview
>> Hi all, 
>> As promised, I have committed ERXQuery to my Wonder clone on GitHub, i.e. 
>> rparada/wonder.  I just need help creating the pull request.  :-)
>> It turns out that I created first a pull request for 
>> unrelated to ERXQuery.  Now when I tried to create the pull request for 
>> ERXQuery it just seems to show the previous pull request.  So I’m not sure 
>> what is going on.  I don’t have much experience with GitHub.
>> Anyways, the ERXQuery is an additive change to Wonder and consists of only 
>> three files:, ERXQueryAttributes and ERXQueryEOAttribute.  
>> It’s the last two commits in rparada/wonder.
>> I took the time to polish the API a bit more.  I think the API came out 
>> nicer than what I had the first time around.  Specially the single variadic 
>> select() method that allows you to specify EOAttributes, Strings, ERXKeys, 
>> or any Iterable containing these. Same for groupBy().  And the a similar 
>> technique with the orderBy() which can take EOSortOrderings or any Iterable 
>> (ERXSortOrderings, NSArray, List, Collection).
>> The documentation is more extensive now.  I have included here a copy of the 
>> ERXQuery class from the javadoc tab in my Eclipse.  
>> I have tested with ORACLE which is the easiest for me to test.  It would be 
>> great to hear others using this with other databases (h2, derby, mssql, 
>> mysql, frontbase, etc.)
>> Overview
>> This class has a fluent API that mimics a select statement:
>>   NSArray<NSDictionary<String,Object>> records =
>>       ERXQuery.create()
>>           .select (keys)
>>           .from (entity)
>>           .where (qualifier)
>>           .groupBy (groupings)
>>           .having (havingQualifier)
>>           .orderBy (sortings)
>>           .fetch();
>> It allows you to use EOF/Wonder higher-level constructs (qualifiers, 
>> attributes, orderings, key paths, ERXKeys, etc.) to create a query that 
>> looks like this:
>>   SELECT ...
>>   FROM ...
>>   WHERE ...
>>   GROUP BY ...
>>   HAVING ...
>>   ORDER BY ...
>> Specifying the Attributes to Fetch
>> The select() method is very flexible and powerful. It accepts a variable 
>> number of objects of different types that specify the attributes to fetch. 
>> These objects can be EOAttributes, ERXKeys, Strings. You may also specify 
>> NSArray or List objects containing any combination of these (EOAttributes, 
>> ERXKeys, Strings).
>> The ERXKeys and String objects correspond to keys and key paths to the 
>> attributes to fetch, i.e. "". The keys and key paths can also 
>> be relationships to objects, i.e. "customer" which translate into a fetch of 
>> foreign keys used to build object faults and return them in the results.
>> You may call the select() method multiple times to keep adding to the list 
>> of attributes to fetch.
>> Using Ad Hoc Attributes
>> It is very common to aggregate attributes in these queries. For this 
>> purpose, you may want to create what ERXQuery refers to as ad hoc 
>> attributes. These attributes have a definition but are not physically 
>> attached to the entity. You can use the ERXQueryAttributes class to easily 
>> create multiple ad hoc attributes. The definition of the attribute can 
>> reference relationships and attributes as shown below. If you just want to 
>> create a single ad hoc attribute you may use the ERXQueryEOAttribute class.
>>   // Using a single query against the order entity to count the number of
>>   // orders and line items that match an order qualifier.
>>   ERXQueryAttributes attributes = ERXQueryAttributes.create(orderEntity)
>>       .add("itemCount", "COUNT(DISTINCT lineItems.lineItemID)", "intNumber")
>>       .add("orderCount", "COUNT(DISTINCT orderID)", "intNumber");
>>   ERXQuery query =
>>       ERXQuery.create()
>>           .select (attributes)
>>           .from (orderEntity)
>>           .where (qualifier);
>>   // Fetch into a dictionary
>>   NSDictionary<String,Object> row = query.fetch().lastObject();
>>   int orderCount = ((Number) row.objectForKey("orderCount")).intValue();
>>   int itemCount = ((Number) row.objectForKey("itemCount")).intValue();
>> Fetching Results into a Custom Class
>> It is useful to fetch results into objects of a custom class. This allows 
>> you to have type checking on the getter methods and add methods for computed 
>> values on the data fetched. For the example above you could have fetched the 
>> results into a custom class as follows:
>>   // Fetch into object instances of the a custom Result class
>>   Result result = query.fetch(editingContext, Result.class).lastObject();
>>   int orderCount = result.orderCount();
>>   int itemCount = result.itemCount();
>> The Result custom class would have to be defined as shown below. The 
>> constructor may keep the mutable dictionary passed in to the constructor or 
>> make an immutable copy from it as shown below.
>>   public static class Result {
>>       NSDictionary<String,Object> data;
>>       public Result(EOEditingContext ec, NSMutableDictionary<String,Object> 
>> row) {
>>           data = row.immutableClone();
>>       }
>>       public int itemCount() {
>>           return ((Number) data.objectForKey("itemCount")).intValue();
>>       }
>>       public int orderCount() {
>>           return ((Number) data.objectForKey("orderCount")).intValue();
>>       }
>>   }
>>   }
>> In general, fetching into a custom class can be done in several ways:
>>   // If your custom class has a constructor that takes an editing context and
>>   // a mutable dictionary then it is very simple:
>>   NSArray<Foo> objs = query.fetch(editingContext, Foo.class);
>>   // Using java 8 or later you may use a lambda expression:
>>   NSArray<Foo> objs = query.fetch(editingContext, (ec, row) -> new Foo(ec, 
>> row));
>>   // You may also create an implementation of the RecordConstructor
>>   // functional interface and pass it into the fetch method:
>>   ERXQuery.RecordConstructor<Foo> recordConstructor =
>>       new ERXQuery.RecordConstructor<Foo> {
>>           @Override
>>           public Foo constructRecord(EOEditingContext ec, 
>> NSMutableDictionary row) {
>>               return new Foo(ec, row);
>>           }
>>       };
>>   NSArray objs = query.fetch(editingContext, recordConstructor)
>>   }
>> Augmenting Row Values
>> You can have entries from a dictionary added in to the rows fetched from the 
>> database. The mutable dictionary passed in to the record constructor will 
>> contain the data fetched along with the keys/values from this 
>> recordInitializationValues dictionary.
>>   NSDictionary<String,Object> recordInitializationValues = new 
>> NSDictionary<>((Object)2017, "preferredYear");
>>   NSArray<Foo> objs = query.fetch(editingContext, 
>> recordInitializationValues, Foo.class);
>>   Foo aFoo = objs.lastObject();
>>   int preferredYear = aFoo.preferredYear(); // i.e. 2017
>> Defining Ad Hoc Attributes in the Entity
>> An alternate way to define your ad hoc attributes is to define them in your 
>> entity and flagging them as non-class properties. Unlike ERXQueryEOAttribute 
>> objects, these attributes will be instances of EOAttribute and reside in 
>> your entity. They may be a bit distracting when looking at the entity if you 
>> have a lot but this method allows you to reuse all the existing attributes 
>> and relationships already defined in the entity and does not require code 
>> for creating the attributes.
>> One incovenience is that eogeneration templates do not generate ERXKeys for 
>> non-class properties. However, this problem could be overcome by enhancing 
>> the eogeneration templates to generate ERXKeys for derived non-class 
>> property attributes.
>>   // Fetch last year's customer order totals exceeding $1000 in descending 
>> order
>>   NSArray<OrderSummary> lastYearTopSales =
>>       ERXQuery.create()
>>           .select (Order.CUSTOMER)             // customer to-one
>>           .select (Order.SUM_TOTAL_AMOUNT)     // non-class property defined 
>> as SUM(totalAmount)
>>           .from (Order.ENTITY_NAME)
>>           .where (lastYearQualifier)
>>           .groupBy (Order.CUSTOMER)
>>           .having (Order.SUM_TOTAL_AMOUNT.greaterThan(1000.00))
>>           .orderBy (Order.SUM_TOTAL_AMOUNT.desc())
>>           .fetch(editingContext, OrderSummary.class);
>>   // Peek at top sale record
>>   OrderSummary topSale = ERXArrayUtilities.firstObject(lastYearTopSales);
>>   if (topSale != null) {
>>       System.out.println("Customer " + topSale.customer().fullName() 
>>           + " ordered " + moneyFormatter.format(topSale.sumTotalAmount()));
>>   }
>>   }
>> It would be nice to enhance the eogeneration templates to also create a 
>> custom class for fetching the results, i.e. and 
>> with the getters for attributes/relationships in 
>> the entity including derived non-class properties. These templates would be 
>> used when the entity has a user info key with ERXQuery.enabled=yes.
>> Limitations
>> Ad hoc attributes created with ERXQueryAttributes or ERXQueryEOAttribute are 
>> not physically attached to an entity. When EOF generates SQL for a qualifier 
>> it calls sqlStringForSQLExpression(q,e) where q is an EOQualifier and e is 
>> an EOSQLExpression. Qualifiers  then try to reach the attribute by following 
>> the qualifier's referenced keys starting with the entity of the 
>> EOSQLExpression, i.e. e.entity().
>> The current workaround used by ERXQuery is to temporarily add to the entity 
>> any ad hoc attributes referenced by the qualifiers. This typically happens 
>> with the havingQualifier which normally references the ad hoc attributes 
>> corresponding to aggregated attributes. For example, "sumTotalAmount" 
>> defined as "SUM(totalAmount)" could be used in a having qualifier:
>>   // When grouping orders by customer and fetching sumTotalAmount we may 
>> want to have
>>   // this having qualifier so that we only fetch the groups totaling more 
>> than 1000.
>>   EOQualifier havingQualifier = ERXQ.greaterThan("sumTotalAmount", new 
>> BigDecimal(1000.0));
>> However, if you were to define your "sumTotalAmount" attribute in your 
>> entity as a derived non-class property with definition "SUM(totalAmount)" 
>> then ERXQuery doesn't have to add the attribute to the entity.
>> Defaults for Behavior Properties
>> 1.      er.extensions.eof.ERXQuery.useBindVariables=false
>> 2.     er.extensions.eof.ERXQuery.useEntityRestrictingQualifiers=true
>> 3.     er.extensions.eof.ERXQuery.removesForeignKeysFromRowValues=true
>> Author:
>> Ricardo J. Parada
>> On Mar 14, 2017, at 8:31 AM, Ricardo Parada < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> Thanks all for the feedback. I'll be adding it by the weekend I hope. 
>> On Mar 14, 2017, at 4:29 AM, Markus Ruggiero < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> Great thing, looks very useful. 
>> On 11.03.2017, at 23:41, Ricardo Parada < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Over the years, I’ve worked on an class for doing ad hoc queries.  This 
>> class has gotten better and better.  At first, the API of this class and 
>> some implementation details were not  ready for public consumption in my 
>> opinion.  
>> However, recently I took the time to polish the code as much as possible and 
>> if I can get my employer's approval I would like to contribute this code to 
>> project Wonder which has given us so much in return during the years.  
>> Here is a preview of its functionality.  Please let me know if you guys 
>> think this would be a useful contribution.
>> This class has a fluent API that mimics a select statement:
>> NSArray<NSDictionary<String,Object>> records =
>>    ERXQuery.create()
>>       .select (keys)
>>       .from (entity)
>>       .where (qualifier)
>>       .groupBy (groupings)
>>       .having (havingQualifier)
>>       .orderBy (sortings)
>>       .fetch();
>> Overview
>> ERXQuery allows you to use EOF constructs (EOQualifiers, EOAttributes, 
>> EOSortOrdering, EOAttribute names, relationships, etc.) to create queries of 
>> the form:
>> SELECT ...
>> FROM ...
>> WHERE ...
>> GROUP BY ...
>> HAVING ...
>> ORDER BY ...
>> Using Ad Hoc Attributes
>> You may use the ERXAdHocAttributes class to easily create ad hoc attributes 
>> to use with your query. For example, the code below creates two ad hoc 
>> EOAttributes. An ad hoc attribute is an EOAttribute that is not physically 
>> attached to an entity and that has a definition. They are useful for 
>> aggregating other attributes. The definition of the attribute can reference 
>> relationships and attributes as shown below.
>> // Using a single query against the order entity, count the number of
>> // orders and line items that match the qualifier.
>> ERXAdHocAttributes attributes = ERXAdHocAttributes.create(orderEntity)
>>    .add("itemCount", "COUNT(DISTINCT lineItems.lineItemID)", "intNumber")
>>    .add("orderCount", "COUNT(DISTINCT orderID)", "intNumber");
>> NSDictionary<String,Object> row =
>>    ERXQuery.create()
>>       .select (attributes)
>>       .from (orderEntity)
>>       .where (qualifier)
>>       .fetch()
>>       .lastObject();
>> int orderCount = ((Number) row.objectForKey("orderCount")).intValue();
>> int itemCount = ((Number) row.objectForKey("itemCount")).intValue();
>> Fetching into a Custom Record Class
>> You can also fetch using a custom class of your choice, i.e. Foo, as shown 
>> below:
>> // Using java >= 8 is easy with a lambda expression
>> NSArray<Foo> objs = query.fetch(editingContext, (ec, row) -> new Foo(ec, 
>> row));
>> // Using java < 8 you must provide a RecordConstructor 
>> ERXQuery.RecordConstructor<Foo> recordConstructor =
>>    new ERXQuery.RecordConstructor<Foo> {
>>        @Override
>>        public Foo constructRecord(EOEditingContext ec, NSMutableDictionary 
>> row) {
>>           return new Foo(ec, row);
>>        }
>>    };
>> NSArray objs = query.fetch(editingContext, recordConstructor);
>> Author: Ricardo J. Parada
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