Hi Markus,

I don’t know of any property.

Because they are exposed they are treated as attributes.

Because they are relationships they are treated as foreign keys. 

So you really have to set both… I don’t see a way around it. If you don’t there 
is a race condition for who wins and you’ll never win. 

Would be better to make the attribute non-exposed and then create a cover read 
only (perhaps derived) property on that attribute to “expose” it for the legacy 
app. I mean… for whatever reason they want those integer values exposed so this 
is your best bet. 
AARON ROSENZWEIG / Chat 'n Bike <http://www.chatnbike.com/>
e:  aa...@chatnbike.com <mailto:aa...@chatnbike.com>  t:  (301) 956-2319        

> On Sep 17, 2018, at 4:59 PM, Markus Ruggiero <mailingli...@kataputt.com> 
> wrote:
> I thought I have seen a list of the properties that Wonder supports but I 
> cannot find it anymore. I have no idea where I saw this list. Could have been 
> here or somewhere in the docs or the Wonder Source. But it is late and I am 
> tired and I have been searching for it invain. Anyone to help me?
> Background:
> I am struggling with a legacy legacy legacy pure old time WebObjects 
> application. No Wonder, no Eclipse, but WindowsXP with ProjectBuilder 
> (sourcode goes back to 1998/1999!!!). And the database has exposed primary 
> and foreign keys that are mostly strings and char. The application is a mess 
> and I am trying to bring it into Eclipse and use Wonder. Unfortunately 
> WOToOneRelationship does not connect objects. Manually using 
> addObjectToBoth.... does not connect objects either (debugger shows that the 
> relationship is set, but it does not populate the foreign key fields). 
> Populating them manually in addition to addObject... fixes things. I have a 
> vague recollection of a property that might help here, and that is why I am 
> looking for that list.
> Any ideas? What am I missing?
> Thanks
> ---markus---
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