OK, so the problem was, this line in the regular https.conf file:

    ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/var/www/cgi-bin/"

Since I have WO using cgi-bin, this was apparently taking precedence. When I 
comment out the above line, all works again.


> On Apr 6, 2020, at 4:43 PM, Ken Anderson via Webobjects-dev 
> <webobjects-dev@lists.apple.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone!
> Well, I’ve circled back to a project I was half way through a year ago… and 
> I’m a little stuck. Trying to get a WO project off of AWS and running on a 
> home server.
> CentOS 7
> Apache 2.4
> Wotaskd running
> WOMonitor running
> App installed and running
> Unfortunately, when I go to the expected URL 
> (http://publicserver.anderhome.local//cgi-bin/WebObjects/TrainTime.woa 
> <http://publicserver.anderhome.local//cgi-bin/WebObjects/TrainTime.woa>), I 
> get:
> Not Found
> The requested URL /cgi-bin/WebObjects/TrainTime.woa was not found on this 
> server.
> However, if I go to the root, I see the index.html file, so I know Apache is 
> responding.
> Webobjects.conf is in the conf.d directory, with the following:
> WebObjectsAlias /cgi-bin/WebObjects
> # Specific to Apache 2.4
> <Location /cgi-bin/WebObjects/>
>     <Limit GET POST OPTIONS >
>       Require all granted
>     </Limit>
>     Require all denied
> </Location>   
> In the Apache error_log, I get this:
> [Mon Apr 06 16:37:04.792319 2020] [cgi:error] [pid 19829] [client 
>] script not found or unable to stat: 
> /var/www/cgi-bin/WebObjects
> Which to me, means the module is not loaded. But I have this:
> LoadModule WebObjects_module          modules/mod_WebObjects.so
> In the webobjects.conf file, and there is a file at 
> modules/mod_WebObjects.so. I don’t get any errors when starting Apache, and 
> the syntax check passes.
> What am I doing wrong? Any thoughts are appreciated!!
> Best,
> Ken
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