Hi Samuel

I suspect it takes a while for eclipse to download the index before searching will work. I have heard it can be about 6GB.

To build and deploy the app I link my maven to an ant build script. Then I can install with a command like "mvn clean package -Dinstall_optiplex"


<maven.build.timestamp.format>yyyyMMddHHmm</maven.build.timestamp.format> </properties>












<property name="dest.dir" value="target" />

<property name="build.app.name" value="${project.build.finalName}" />

<echo message="One ${project.build.finalName}, ${install_optiplex}" />

<ant antfile="${basedir}/build.xml">

<target name="install_actions" />










My build.xml looks like

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE project>

<project name="MyWoApp" default="install_actions" basedir="." xmlns:if="ant:if" xmlns:unless="ant:unless">

<!-- normally run from maven. eg 'mvn clean package -Dinstall_optiplex' -->

<target name="install_actions">

<antcall target="install_optiplex" if:set="install_optiplex" />


<target name="install_optiplex">

<echo message="install_optiplex" />

<antcall target="install_server">

<param name="remote.host" value="" />

<param name="remote.local.root" value="/usr/share/webobjects/Local" />

<param name="remote.web.root" value="/var/lib/webobjects/htdocs/WebObjects" />

<param name="remote.dest.dir" value="/Library/WebObjects/Applications" />

<param name="remote.webobjects.user" value="webobjects" />

<param name="remote.webobjects.group" value="webobjects" />



<target name="install_server">

<echo message="install_server ${dest.dir}/${build.app.name}" />

<exec executable="scp">

<arg value="${dest.dir}/${build.app.name}.woapplication.tar.gz" />

<arg value="${remote.host}:Documents/${build.app.name}.woapplication.tar.gz" />


<exec executable="scp">

<arg value="${dest.dir}/${build.app.name}.wowebserverresources.tar.gz" />

<arg value="${remote.host}:Documents/${build.app.name}.wowebserverresources.tar.gz" />


<exec executable="ssh">

<arg value="${remote.host}" />

<arg value="sudo" />

<arg value="/bin/tar" />

<arg value="-zxf" />

<arg value="Documents/${build.app.name}.woapplication.tar.gz" />

<arg value="-C" />

<arg value="${remote.local.root}/${remote.dest.dir}" />


<exec executable="ssh">

<arg value="${remote.host}" />

<arg value="sudo" />

<arg value="/bin/tar" />

<arg value="-zxf" />

<arg value="Documents/${build.app.name}.wowebserverresources.tar.gz" />

<arg value="-C" />

<arg value="${remote.web.root}" />


<exec executable="ssh">

<arg value="${remote.host}" />

<arg value="sudo" />

<arg value="chown" />

<arg value="-R" />

<arg value="${remote.webobjects.user}:${remote.webobjects.group}" />

<arg value="${remote.local.root}/${remote.dest.dir}/${build.app.name}.woa" />




On 2/4/24 12:10, Samuel Pelletier wrote:

Thank for the reply. I tried the download index on startup but still no search.

I do not understand the nature thing but found a preference in Eclipse that disable the annoying dialog : "Automatically detect missing natures and propose IDE extensions from Marketplace".

Follow up on my component problem, I just found the solution for with my framework component, it was related to the order of dependencies declaration, like ant, original WebObjects packages need to be after wonder ERExtensions...

Is there a way inside Eclipse to do mvn install ?

I still have not figured out how to build and deploy the app (replace the ant install and manual rsync to server I actually do)



Le 1 avr. 2024 à 20:32, D Tim Cummings via Webobjects-dev <webobjects-dev@lists.apple.com> a écrit :

Hi Samuel

Apparently we need to have the nature org.maven.ide.eclipse.maven2Nature in our .project file because it is hard-coded in the original WebObjects. I think we should add into WOLips that it also needs this nature and then eclipse would stop complaining that no plugins are referencing this nature. Unfortunately I don't know enough about eclipse plugin development to program this.

I don't use search in maven pom editor myself but does this option help "Download repository index updates on startup"?


I haven't used maven with my own frameworks so can't help you there.


On 2/4/24 07:53, Samuel Pelletier via Webobjects-dev wrote:
Hi all,

Sorry for long time since last message, my maven switch had to be postponed.

I manages to set up the basic and create a frameworks and an app.

I have few questions with my current setup.

Why Eclipse always complain about missing nature, the maven stuff is already 
there and working, I always click cancel but the prompt comes back from time to 
time. Is there a way to get rid of this alert ?

In the maven pom editor, the search function does not works, even for maven 
central libraries... This search seems a time saver tool I would like to use 
instead of copy paste from maven central...

I ported a frameworks but when I want to use it's component (TimeField here), I have this 
error: "Cannot find class or component named 'TimeField" in runtime or in a loadable 

BTW, I did "mvn install" to have the framework in my local maven repository and 
it's sources are in my current workspace.

Thank in advance for help!


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