Dear List,

I am running an Apache 2.2 with mod_wsgi, with several users, each doing their
own webpy apps.

Each user has a similar Apache .htaccess conf in their ~/public_html directory,
this is mine:

    SetHandler wsgi-script
    Options ExecCGI FollowSymLinks

RedirectMatch permanent ^(.+)\.app$  $

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /~dragan.espenschied/
RewriteRule ^(.+)\.app/static(.*)$ $1/static$2 [L]
RewriteRule ^(.+)\.app/(.*)$ $1/$2

It makes that if you call a URI like /~dragan.espenschied/ it will run
/~dragan.espenschied/woot/ ... if you don't use the "app" extension, you
get the usual directory listing.

Now there are several issues with mod_wsgi, like webpy not being able to figure
out on its own where its base directory is. That can be avoided, but the main
issue is concerning redirects.

If I do a

raise web.seeother('wherever')

the browser gets redirected to an URI like
/~dragan.espenschied/woot/ instead of

I figured out that web.seeother is using an environment variable to prepend the
base URI to a redirect. However, if I change this environment variable like this

os.environ['REAL_SCRIPT_NAME'] = '/~dragan.espenschied/'

All other webpy apps running on the same server do redirects to my app's URI
instead to their's.

What would be a possible way to make the redirects work for multiple users and
apps on the same server? Is there a better way to tell webpy the base URI of the

Running another web server software is not an option, it is a managed university
system with automatic updates etc (debian).

Another issue is the cookies. As already pointed out by some posters here, the
cookies do not take any path into account. So everybody is reading everybody
else's cookies. I suggest that webpy should, upon construction, accept a base
URI parameter, because the automatics don't seem to work under all conditions.
If there is no base URI parameter present, it could try doing the automatics as
is. I consider it a bug that webpy seems to assume it is the only app running on
a system.

Thanks in advance for any ideas on this,

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