Is there any reason that you're using 0.34 instead of the latest release?

On Nov 11, 12:18 am, dgardner <> wrote:
> I've been using a app in production now for a couple of weeks,
> deployed under Apache 2.2.3 / mod_wsgi 3.3.
> Then yesterday I started seeing tracebacks like this:
> [Wed Nov 09 17:07:53 2011] [error] Traceback (most recent call last):
> [Wed Nov 09 17:07:53 2011] [error]   File "/rel/lang/python/2.6.4-6/
> opt-gccWS5_64/lib/python2.6/site-packages/web/", line
> 240, in process
> [Wed Nov 09 17:07:53 2011] [error]     return p(lambda:
> process(processors))
> [Wed Nov 09 17:07:53 2011] [error]   File "/rel/lang/python/2.6.4-6/
> opt-gccWS5_64/lib/python2.6/site-packages/web/", line
> 561, in processor
> [Wed Nov 09 17:07:53 2011] [error]     return handler()
> [Wed Nov 09 17:07:53 2011] [error]   File "/rel/lang/python/2.6.4-6/
> opt-gccWS5_64/lib/python2.6/site-packages/web/", line
> 240, in <lambda>
> [Wed Nov 09 17:07:53 2011] [error]     return p(lambda:
> process(processors))
> [Wed Nov 09 17:07:53 2011] [error]   File "/rel/lang/python/2.6.4-6/
> opt-gccWS5_64/lib/python2.6/site-packages/web/", line
> 249, in process
> [Wed Nov 09 17:07:53 2011] [error]     raise self.internalerror()
> [Wed Nov 09 17:07:53 2011] [error]   File "/rel/lang/python/2.6.4-6/
> opt-gccWS5_64/lib/python2.6/site-packages/web/", line
> 468, in internalerror
> [Wed Nov 09 17:07:53 2011] [error]     parent = self.get_parent_app()
> [Wed Nov 09 17:07:53 2011] [error]   File "/rel/lang/python/2.6.4-6/
> opt-gccWS5_64/lib/python2.6/site-packages/web/", line
> 453, in get_parent_app
> [Wed Nov 09 17:07:53 2011] [error]     if self in web.ctx.app_stack:
> [Wed Nov 09 17:07:53 2011] [error]   File "/rel/lang/python/2.6.4-6/
> opt-gccWS5_64/lib/python2.6/site-packages/web/", line 1165, in
> __getattr__
> [Wed Nov 09 17:07:53 2011] [error]     return getattr(self._getd(),
> key)
> [Wed Nov 09 17:07:53 2011] [error]   File "/rel/lang/python/2.6.4-6/
> opt-gccWS5_64/lib/python2.6/site-packages/web/", line 71, in
> __getattr__
> [Wed Nov 09 17:07:53 2011] [error]     raise AttributeError, k
> [Wed Nov 09 17:07:53 2011] [error] AttributeError: 'app_stack'
> I did a little searching and found two posts to the mailing
> lists with the same error, but neither received 
> responses:
> I'm using the Apache mpm_worker_module, and am configuring mod_wsgi
> with:
> LoadModule wsgi_module modules/
> <VirtualHost *:8090>
>  WSGIDaemonProcess concurrency_limit user=farmadmin group=user \
>      home=/var/www/cl_server python-path=/var/www/cl_server \
>      threads=20 processes=5
>  WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/cl_server/
>  Alias /static /var/www/cl_server/static/
>  AddType text/html .py
>  <Directory /usr/pic1/cl_server/>
>      Order deny,allow
>      Allow from all
>  </Directory>
> </VirtualHost>
> Let me know if there is anymore information I could provide.

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