Hi All,

I'm at my wit's end, trying to figure out why this is happening. It's
likely to be a "python" related misunderstanding, but I want to be
sure I'm using wsgi & web.py correctly as well. My question is wrt an
AttributeError when I add a new method to an existing utility Module,
because web.py is not recognizing that the source has changed.

This is my root dir

      __init__.py (empty)

DBUtil.py had these contents:

import psycopg2
import os
from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser

def getConnection():
    config = SafeConfigParser()
    db = config.get('Database','dbname')
    username = config.get('Database','user')
    passwd = config.get('Database','passwd')
    dsn = "dbname="+db+" user="+username+" host='localhost'
    connection = psycopg2.connect(dsn)
    return connection

I had to bring in another DB connection so I added:

def getSysConnection():
    config = SafeConfigParser()
    db = config.get('SysDatabase','sysdbname')
    username = config.get('SysDatabase','sysuser')
    passwd = config.get('SysDatabase','syspasswd')
    dsn = "dbname="+db+" user="+username+" host='localhost'
    connection = psycopg2.connect(dsn)
    return connection

I know web.py supports multidb, but I don't have time to reformat a
lot of the existing db usage.

So, when I add this method and recompile it with command line python
this second method getSysConnection always throws me an Attribute
Error. Also I was not sure if the module was set up right so I moved
DButil.py into the same directory as the wsgi file and tried
referencing the methods, without success.

If I try using this util in a python shell, it works ok. Is this a
problem with the way I compile the modified file. If I just delete
the .pyc and restart apache, the .pyc isn't getting recreated either.

Any response may help me here.


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