I DO AGREE, haha, too late.

在 2006年2月23日星期四UTC+8下午10时59分26秒,Aaron Swartz写道:

> > Inventing yet another template language... 
> You don't have to use it -- each part of web.py is completely separate
> from the others. But you're right, it is "yet another template
> language". And I'm not going to apologize for it. 
> The goal of web.py is to build the ideal way to make web apps. If
> reinventing old things with only small differences were necessary to
> achieve this goal, I would defend reinventing them. The difference
> between the ideal way and the almost-ideal way is, as Mark Twain
> suggested, the difference between the lighting and the lightning bug. 
> But these aren't just small differences. Instead of exposing Python
> objects, web.py allows you to build HTTP responses. Instead of trying
> to make the database look like an object, web.py makes the database
> easier to use. And instead of coming up with yet another way to write
> HTML, the web.py template system tries to bring Python into HTML. Not
> many other people are really trying to do that. 
> You can disagree that these ways are better and say why. But simply
> criticizing them for being different is a waste of time. Yes, they are
> different. That's the whole point.

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