How's this? The doctests are a bit unwieldly, but at least it's tested. :-)

And for convenience, you could add a "multiple_updater" function to DB
which just returned "MultipleUpdater(self)".

Thanks again for the with-statement idea.

class MultipleUpdater(object):
    r"""Used to group multiple database writes into one query to minimize
    to and from the database. This can result in a speed increase of 2-4x on
    bulk updates. Intended usage:

    with MultipleUpdater(db) as mu:
        for row_id, name in lots_of_ids_and_names_to_update:
            mu.update('my_table', where='id = $id', vars={'id': row_id},

    On the MultipleUpdater instance, you can use all the database write
    functions: update(), insert(), multiple_insert, and delete(). If any
    exception occurs inside the with statement, no updates will be done.

    >>> import decimal
    >>> db = web.DB(None, {})
    >>> db.supports_multiple_insert = True
    >>> mu = MultipleUpdater(db, _test=True)

    >>> with mu:
    ...     mu.update('foo', where='id = $id', name='Bob', vars={'id': 42})
    ...     mu.update('foo', where='id = $id', name='Sarah', age=30,
vars={'id': 23})
    >>> mu.sql
    <sql: "UPDATE foo SET name = 'Bob' WHERE id = 42;\nUPDATE foo SET age =
30, name = 'Sarah' WHERE id = 23">
    >>> mu.sql.query()
    'UPDATE foo SET name = %s WHERE id = %s;\nUPDATE foo SET age = %s, name
= %s WHERE id = %s'
    >>> mu.sql.values()
    ['Bob', 42, 30, 'Sarah', 23]

    >>> with mu:
    ...     mu.update('bar', where='a = $b', c=decimal.Decimal(2),
vars={'b': 3})
    >>> mu.sql
    <sql: "UPDATE bar SET c = Decimal('2') WHERE a = 3">
    >>> bool(mu.sql)
    >>> mu.sql.query()
    'UPDATE bar SET c = %s WHERE a = %s'
    >>> mu.sql.values()
    [Decimal('2'), 3]

    >>> with mu:
    ...     pass
    >>> mu.sql
    <sql: ''>
    >>> bool(mu.sql)

    >>> with mu:
    ...     mu.update('foo', where='id = 1', name='Bob')
    ...     mu.insert('bar', age=32)
    ...     mu.multiple_insert('baz', [{'name': 'John'}, {'name': 'Sally'}])
    ...     mu.delete('qux', where='id = 2')
    >>> print str(mu.sql)
    UPDATE foo SET name = 'Bob' WHERE id = 1;
    INSERT INTO bar (age) VALUES (32);
    INSERT INTO baz (name) VALUES ('John'), ('Sally');
    DELETE FROM qux WHERE id = 2
    >>> mu.sql.query()
    'UPDATE foo SET name = %s WHERE id = 1;\nINSERT INTO bar (age) VALUES
(%s);\nINSERT INTO baz (name) VALUES (%s), (%s);\nDELETE FROM qux WHERE id
= 2'
    >>> mu.sql.values()
    ['Bob', 32, 'John', 'Sally']

    >>> with MultipleUpdater(db, _test=True) as mu2:
    ...     mu2.update('foo', where='id = 1', name='Bob')
    >>> mu2.sql
    <sql: "UPDATE foo SET name = 'Bob' WHERE id = 1">
    def __init__(self, database, _test=False):
        self.database = database
        self.test = _test

    def __enter__(self):
        self.updates = []
        self.sql = None
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
        if exc_type is not None:
            # Don't update anything if an exception occurred
        self.sql = web.SQLQuery.join(self.updates, sep=';\n')
        if self.sql and not self.test:

    def update(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.updates.append(self.database.update(*args, _test=True,

    def insert(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.updates.append(self.database.insert(*args, _test=True,

    def multiple_insert(self, *args, **kwargs):
_test=True, **kwargs))

    def delete(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.updates.append(self.database.delete(*args, _test=True,

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