> - in which way is it more certain that there is no mislabeled PDF than a 
> mislabeled jpg or mislabeled rtf?

I don't think this is relevant. There is likely mislabeled PDF. But I had 
specific feedback from implementors of PDF readers that sniffing from other 
content-type resulted in a worse situation than not sniffing. I don't have any 
information on jpg or rtf.

Sniffing should only be done when it is justified by an improved user 
experience over not sniffing. 

I think the obligation of evidence is "opt in": we should only sniff content 
when there is evidence of mislabeled content for which sniffing actually 
improves something, and the improvement outweighs other considerations.

> - what about scenarios in which there is no content-type (e.g. ftp, 
> filesystem), should in this case sniffing not be done?

I didn't get any feedback on that. I don't know any workflows where valid PDF 
doesn't carry a file type label somehow (if only the file extension .pdf), so 
maybe sniffing based on file content itself doesn't matter.

((Maybe this is another issue? I just wonder if the algorithm for "no 
content-type" is the same, needs to be the same, as the algorithm for 
"content-type via HTTP".)


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