On 24/03/2012 00:01, =JeffH wrote:
james.h.man...@team.telstra.com wrote:
> The ABNF for the Strict-Transport-Security header looks wrong. It now
> *requires* a leading ";" before the first directive.

yes, it's broken as you indicate, and you aren't the only person to have noticed it.

I apologize (to all), I didn't thoroughly vet the suggested change to the ABNF before incorporating it. doh.

I suspect Julian just didn't look closely at his suggestion before posting it..


> I suggest the following ABNF.
>   Strict-Transport-Security = "Strict-Transport-Security" ":"
>                                  directive *( ";" directive )
> directive = [ token [ "=" ( token | quoted-string ) ] ]

Well, I've been counseled in the past (and agree with it) that having an ABNF production that is potentially totally null is not such a good idea.

Perhaps this approach addresses this problem and is closer to what Julian intended..

     Strict-Transport-Security = "Strict-Transport-Security" ":"
                                 [ directive ]  *( ";" [ directive ] )

     directive                 = token [ "=" ( token | quoted-string ) ]

I think this is fine. And you can enforce "can't be totally null" in prose, if you don't want to fix this in ABNF.

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