Any thoughts on this text?

On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 2:33 PM, websec issue tracker
<> wrote:
> #55: Clarify that the newest pinning information takes precedence
>  In section "Interactions With Preloaded Pin Lists", we need to specify
>  that the newest information, even "stop pinning", must take precedence. I
>  propose this text:
>  UAs MUST use the newest information — built-in or set via Valid Pinning
>  Header — when performing Pin Validation for the host. If the result of
>  noting a Valid Pinning Header is to disable pinning for the host (such as
>  because the host set a max-age directive with a value of 0), UAs MUST
>  allow this new  nformation to override any built-in pins. That is, a host
>  must be able to un-pin itself even from built-in pins.
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