
Just jumped over here from the http list per Yoav Nir's request for
feedback with regards to the draft-williams-websec-session-continue-prob

Overall I think the draft is a good start. There definitely does need to be
more of an explanation as to why the existing cookie-based mechanism is bad.

As far as more forward looking feedback is concerned, I wanted to point to
the In-Session Key Negotiation draft I wrote as input to the ongoing http/2


This draft introduces a new (currently experimental) bidirectional
key-negotiation sub-protocol within spdy/http2 for the negotiation of
secure keys and can be used for the establishment of authenticated and
unauthenticated sessions. (Note that I'm just making sure folks know about
this draft as it is relevant to the discussion)... Running down through the
list of requirements stated by the websec-session-continue-prob draft it
covers a good deal of the issues.

- James
websec mailing list

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