This is how I understand it:

> On 1 Mar 2018, at 13:59, Svensson, Lars <> wrote:
> When implementing HSTS, my colleagues and I had discussions on how to 
> correctly interpret §8.3, #5 of RFC 6797 [1]. In our opinion the text is 
> ambiguous and we hope that you can help us to clarify what is the proper 
> reading of that section. In §8.3 #5 the following is stated:
> [[
> If, when performing domain name matching any superdomain match
>       with an asserted includeSubDomains directive is found, or, if no
>       superdomain matches with asserted includeSubDomains directives
>       are found and a congruent match is found (with or without an
>       asserted includeSubDomains directive), then before proceeding
>       with the load:
>          The UA MUST replace the URI scheme with "https" [RFC2818], and
>          if the URI contains an explicit port component of "80", then
>          the UA MUST convert the port component to be "443", or
>          if the URI contains an explicit port component that is not
>          equal to "80", the port component value MUST be preserved;
>          otherwise,
>          if the URI does not contain an explicit port component, the UA
>          MUST NOT add one.
>          NOTE:  These steps ensure that the HSTS Policy applies to HTTP
>                 over any TCP port of an HSTS Host.
>   NOTE:  In the case where an explicit port is provided (and to a
>          lesser extent with subdomains), it is reasonably likely that
>          there is actually an HTTP (i.e., non-secure) server running on
>          the specified port and that an HTTPS request will thus fail
>          (see item 6 in Appendix A ("Design Decision Notes")).
> ]]
> The question is how to interpret the "and" and "or" connections between the 
> paragraphs. One possibility is to use arithmetic ordering ("and" before 
> "or"), another to collect all "or" statements into one expression and then 
> apply the "and". In the first case we arrive at:
>          The UA MUST replace the URI scheme with "https" [RFC2818], and
>       (
>          if the URI contains an explicit port component of "80", then
>          the UA MUST convert the port component to be "443", or
>          if the URI contains an explicit port component that is not
>          equal to "80", the port component value MUST be preserved;
>          otherwise,
>          if the URI does not contain an explicit port component, the UA
>          MUST NOT add one.
>       )
> That is, the UA _always_ has to replace the URI scheme with https and then 
> will continue to handle the port component. In pseudocode this would be:
> If( Scheme = "http" ) {
>       Replace scheme with "https"
>       If ( URI contains explicit port "80" ) {
>               Replace port with "443" ;
>       } ElseIf( URI contains explicit port ) {
>               Keep explicit port ;
>       } Else {
>               Do not add explicit port ;      
>       }
> }
> In the second case the reading would be:
>       (
>          The UA MUST replace the URI scheme with "https" [RFC2818], and
>          if the URI contains an explicit port component of "80", then
>          the UA MUST convert the port component to be "443", or
>       )
>          if the URI contains an explicit port component that is not
>          equal to "80", the port component value MUST be preserved;
>       # The otherwise starts a new scope so we repeat the first clause:
>          otherwise,
>       (       
>          The UA MUST replace the URI scheme with "https" [RFC2818], and
>          if the URI does not contain an explicit port component, the UA
>          MUST NOT add one.
>       )
> That is, the UA must change the schema to https _only then_ when the port is 
> explicitly "80" (and then convert the port to 443) or when there is no port.
> In pseudocode:
> If ( Scheme = "http" ) {
>       If ( URI contains no port ) {
>               Replace URI scheme with https ;
>       } ElseIf ( URI contains port "80" ) {
>               Replace URI scheme with "https" ;
>               Replace port with "443" ;
>       } Else {
>               /* don't touch this, do nothing */
>       }
> }
> This way it's possible to run internal http-based services (e. g. behind a 
> firewall) on other ports than 80 without having to upgrade those to https.
> But if the UA acts like described first, then it will try to upgrade to https 
> on any other port but 80, too. 
> As a consequence, you then will have to offer all "real" services on other 
> port with https - with the exception of a "https-bumper" on 80.
> [1]
> Thanks for any insight,
> Lars
> *** Lesen. Hören. Wissen. Deutsche Nationalbibliothek *** 
> -- 
> Dr. Lars G. Svensson
> Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
> Informationsinfrastruktur
> Adickesallee 1
> 60322 Frankfurt am Main
> Telefon: +49 69 1525-1752
> Telefax: +49 69 1525-1799
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