Hi David,
On 18/12/2010 01:19, David Nelson wrote:


        * Get Involved
                + again - I would like the "how to become a developer"
                  very present, in front of people's eyes: not hidden
                  somewhere in plain-view, where you have to actively
                  look for it.
                        + ie. I want people to think: "oh ! perhaps I
                         could get involved - didn't think of that" as
                         they wander around the website: rather than
                         trying to catch only those people who went
                         looking for it. "We need you !" type stuff.
                        + we saw from the website analytics on our first
                          day, that most people only go one click away
                          from the 1st page - and increasingly few hit
                          sub-links / side-bars etc.
                + Ergo - more than one top-level tab away from the
                  front-page is not good.
                        + perhaps we could cure this by putting a lot of
                          challenge / developer content on the
                          front-page of "Get Involved"
                        + "We want to get developers involved"

I read you about that already on another thread. This page is getting
attention Saturday and is currently just at placeholder state. I am
already working incitements/links to get involved into content
wherever the opportunity arises. I'm very keen to hear suggestions
about this, with content snippets, too, if you want to suggest some.

In my opinion (but it's only mine ;-), the Dev text should have its own tab, it may break a little bit the global appearance, but we really need developers, so I would prefer a less nice design if they have more chance to get there information faster and participate :-) Also, in the Get involved, could you take care to add QA (we need a lot of QA people and even more when the nightly builds will be there, it's the only way to avoid numerous RC). Also few info about L10n (it's not the same as Native-langu team) and Design?

And thanks a lot for yours and Cloph work, it's really really nice.

Kind regards

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