Thanks to this group for all the work. After working on a Drupal site
for a F/OSS Fest in the U.S., I appreciate how much work this can be.


On Sat, Dec 18, 2010 at 1:56 AM, Michael Wheatland
<> wrote:
> I thought it was about time to share some of the progress that the
> Drupal website development team has made since the last update.
> You can view the progress of the site at
> (Note that international pages have not yet been setup)
> I would like to express my thanks to everyone who has been
> contributing to the Drupal site development so far, the development of
> the workflows and behind the scenes systems is fantastic.
> Since the last update we have:
> Put together a temporary theme (So people can get a feel for the site)
> Created a video support section, where authorised people can submit
> externally hosted tutorial videos
> Refined some of the forums systems (Still working on the mailing list
> type functionality)
> Created a governance system whereby SC members can propose agendas and
> submit meeting minutes
>             The system automatically displays info on the next
> upcoming meeting from proposed agendas and you can play minutes
> recordings without downloading the file
> Setup a facebook support page where anyone can ask questions. We are
> currently working on ways for two way communication with FB and other
> social networks.
> In the process of creating an interactive FAQ section
> Creating the concept for the brainstorm system - This is a big
> undertaking and needs to be planned carefully for integration with
> other systems
> Interactive Project Teams now have their own forums and announcement
> areas (restricted posting to team members only)
> There are many other facets of work which I will not go into right
> now, but suffice to say that I am very proud of the work that the
> Drupal Website Development Team is doing.
> We will soon have more contact with the project teams to refine and
> revise the work we have implemented to suit their UI and workflow
> needs.
> The main area which we will concentrate on after the new year will be
> internationalisation and working with the native language teams to
> adapt our website design to suit their needs and incorporate
> suggestions from those teams across all languages.
> Again, a huge thankyou to all of those who have been involved with the
> development so far. There is still a lot of development to go for the
> resulting community site ,I encourage you to get more involved (time
> permitting) now, or after LibreOffice 3.3 has been released into the
> wild.
> Michael Wheatland
> --
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