Hi Sergey, *,

2011/2/7 Sergey Tsabolov ( aka linuxman ) <serg...@greeklug.gr>:
> Στις 07/02/2011 06:12 μμ, ο/η Christian Lohmaier έγραψε:
>> 2011/2/7 Sergey Tsabolov ( aka linuxman )<serg...@greeklug.gr>:
> Yes this page I change it after I created it , and now is ok now show like
> widget page .
> But is now problem all pages now show like widget not just first and last
>  "Σχετικά με εμάς"

I still don't understand - when I visit your site on the website
itself, on the frontend (the generated pages, as a user visiting the
site sees them), like http://el.libreoffice.org/features/impress/ for
example, it looks OK, no widget page, so do the other ones. only the
home and about-us pages are widget pages.

> All pages worked ok , no problem, I asked why is show like is all widget
> pages if is widget or now .

Where is it shown as widget page? if you mean the little icon in the
site-tree (the left "Explorer"-View in the admin section, then you can
ignore it for now.
This icon is meant to highlight pages with broken links, but the
broken-links detection has a bug currently, so there are many false
alerts. I changed the icon so it is easier for me to hunt down that

If you mean something else, then please provide a screenshot or similar.
The tooltips that appear on mouse-over on the site-tree don't all show
widget-page, and I cannot think of anything else you could have meant.


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