On Mon, 2011-06-20 at 09:33 -0400, Marc Paré wrote:
> Le 2011-06-20 08:54, drew a écrit :
> > On Mon, 2011-06-20 at 08:52 -0300, Olivier Hallot wrote:
> >> Hi Marc
> >>
> >> I got this statement from the info@ list... not being myself knwoledgeable
> >> on them.
> >>
> >> I found them here : www.grupoinfoec.com.
> >>
> >> On my side, simple correction as you did are OK.  I put Gerardo on copy if
> >> anything "au contraire".
> > Hi Olivier,
> >
> > If the original request is to add this firms comments to this page:
> > http://www.documentfoundation.org/supporters/
> >
> > then I would recommend against doing so.
> >
> > Looking at this firms website I can't help but feel we are just giving
> > some free advertisement to a local system vendor. I appreciate that they
> > support our software and am very happy that they, apparently, include it
> > on systems they sell, but in all honesty that is neither unique nor
> > particularly noteworthy in and of itself - I have already met many such
> > vendors in my region.
> >
> > Rather I would be in favor of creating a different set of pages where
> > firms offering support for LibreOffice can be listed - along with some
> > minimum criteria for that privilege. On such a page then of course they
> > would be welcomed.
> >
> > Just my opinion naturally.
> How would you break down these pages? 

By Country and or Region
i.e. Here is a list of OO.o consultants in France:

I want to say quickly though that I would not duplicate the way this was
done back at the bizdev group at OO.o, this is just an example of how it
was done once.

> Would we not then have to question 
> RedHat, Novell, 

No - Do I really need to explain why?

> etc on our support list as well then? 

FSF or FSF or Hungary, well again sure - and again do I need explain

> They are also 
> selling something or other.

That is not the issue.

> Just wondering.

I could flip this around - if I come back with 12 firms, very much like
this one, all with nice statements of support from their owners would we
just add them to the page. We could find a lot of these, guaranteed.
When someone in Germany comes with 12 more, cause I guarantee you they
could be found easily also, do we again make the page longer. That is
not just a yellow pages type page IMO - unless of course that is what we
want to turn it into.

Now we might expand the idea of a 'support/consultants' listing function
and say something like - write up a nice statement of support and you
get a little extra placement for some period of time and then cycle
these through - I could see dong that. 

There are lots of ideas that come to mind - for instance didn't I just
read something about a magazine?

Bottom line - It is a judgment call based on this specific case, nothing
more - sometimes you have to just use common sense.

Best wishes,

Drew Jensen

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