the easy hacks page 2nd easy hack username is eagles051387

On 04/08/2011 12:51, Volker Merschmann wrote:
Hi Jonathan,

2011/8/4 Jonathan Aquilina<>:
  I edited this afternoon one of the easy hacks, and i had put taken by above
the tile of the easy hack. After saving it and it not showing up for a bit i
re did it and put it underneath the title of the easy hack. After doing that
the first one pops up above the title with no way to remove it as I had
already removed the taken by code. Is this issue a bug in the wiki software
or an issue somewhere else?

Can you point us to the page/section and tell us your username for
investigation please?

We experienced some problems on the machine with the wiki yesterday
evening (approx. 19:00 CEST) and rebooted it.



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