YES we noticed and some one if trying to figure out what happened with the page system to display both the "stable" version and the "RC" pre-release version. Then having the warning does not help either. At one point, for Debian downloads, it showed not just the main archived file to be downloaded, but all of its parts. That was really confusing, since it seemed to indicate that you needed to download the parts instead of the archived file of all of the parts.

There are a lot of automatic coding and file selections going on in the background. If one small bit of the page gets messed with improper statements, it could generate the errors that we are seeing right now.

On 06/03/2012 02:03 PM, Jan Holesovsky wrote:
Hi there,

I have just noticed that shows
the download buttons twice and has a warning that "This is a
pre-release version not meant for genereal use." (at least does that
for my language, Czech), even though 3.5.4 is offered.  Can anybody
fix that ASAP, please?

Thank you,

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