On 27/02/2013 20:00, Sophie Gautier wrote:
Hi Marco,


So all people that, like me, believe in Free Software and LibreOffice do
deserve a site that has no Apple on it, and need it *urgently*, don't
you agree?
I agree with you of course and I would help the website team myself if I
have not so much on my table for Libo currently, believe me. But I'm
sure they have understand your message.

But they are still doing nothing about it!!! Is just a matter of removing the iMacs (very easy), use the eraser like I did (easy), and, even better, move that page to www.libreoffice.org/testpage !!!!!! Give me ftp account (or whatever is needed) to the site and I will do it myself.

The only thing I don't agree with you is that the Italian site is an
official site. All languages that are under the LibreOffice domain are
as official as the English one. Also, if you give this url
http://www.libreoffice.org/default in the meantime, you won't see the
offending image any more.

True, but if they click on "The document foundation" part over the "home" link, they are brought to the Apple/proprietary software advisory. Also most people is really ignorant in computer usage, often they don't write the url in the address bar but put it in google search box, and probably if you enter "libreoffice" there, you will find the "international" homepage.
In any case, again this is just "talk" and not "action".
If for an obvious terrible mistake we have to waste 1 month with no result, then means that there is something terribly wrong with the LiBo community and the homepage management, right? Since 2013/02/08 that I've stopped all my activity for QA, bug report/triage etc. waiting this issue to be solved. If web designers don't have time to remove that damaging problem from the home, then I've no time for LiBo anymore, in part because has been wasted in endless discussions about the subject (really a LOT of hours), in part because I'm moving my limited resources to helping projects that don't embarrass me as LiBo is currently doing. I'm sure you understand.
Best regards
Marco Menardi

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