Saturday afternoon, Nov. 28th USA


(My question is being sent here because the lengthy list for contacts on the 
Contribute tab is confusing to me, with "+subscribe" in the email list and the 
global-ness of my email address.)

My Question:

I have been using Libre for a while now, alternating with my Word Perfect ver. 
X6, and I have found WP to have an advantage over all other word processors I 
have used, and that is their “reveal codes” (Alt-F3). This feature / function 
lets me see and move or remove what is not wanted or what is causing page 
format problems, etc., and it also avoids burdening the file-size with more 
“code” to cover up the problem than is necessary (i.e., pasting-in text which 
finds its way into a larger size or different font), and without seeing these 
hidden codes, I cannot find where the “emphasis” or columns or margins, etc., 
begins and ends in those hidden codes. 

I looked at the Question and its Answer on
 but that only recommeded a Reveal Codes function be considered.

Does Libre have any such “reveal codes” function? If so, I have not found it 
yet. If not, can you put it into future updates?

Thanks for letting me know. 

R.J. Gardner
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