On 06/08/2018 04:23 AM, Christian Lohmaier wrote:
Hi Tim, On Sun, Jun 3, 2018 at 3:35 PM Tim-L <webmas...@krackedpress.com> wrote:
I am currently using Ubuntu 18.04 - - Language - en_US.UTF-8(en_US)
Note that the download page can only look at your browser's langauge settings.
When I go to the download page for the newest LO version 6.0.4 x86_64 (deb) I keep getting the English (GB) version files.
So if you indeed configured your browser's langauge preferences to list en-US before en-GB, please go to the download page and let it display the page source, at around line 120 or so there's the user-agent info and langauge settings that the site uses to determine a matching download candidate. Paste that debug info and we can see whether it's possible to adjust & improve the detection. ciao Christian


my browser - [en_US], then [en]. No GB listed.

There is no other choice for the language in the page's code.


<!-- 6.0.4 - 6.0.4 -->

<!-- using newstyle -->
<div class="dl_outer_green_box">
<img style="float:right;" alt="Download icon" src="https://www.libreoffice.org/assets/Uploads/download-block-icon.png"; />
<span class="dl_outer_green_box_header_text">Download LibreOffice</span>

<div class="dl_inner_white_box">
  <div class="dl_grey_floating_box">
    <span class="dl_choose_your_os_text">Choose your operating system:</span>     <select style="font-size:14px;" name="os" onchange="location = this.value;">

<option value="https://www.libreoffice.org/download/download/?type=deb-x86_64&version=6.0.4&lang=en-GB"; selected>Linux x86_64 (deb)</option>


next lines only show en_GB

Then a little farther down you get these lines, along with the en_GB code like the earlier ones.


<p><a href='/download/download/?type=deb-x86_64&version=6.0.4&lang=pick' title="Pick another language">need another language?</a><p>


<div class="dl_inner_white_box">
  <div class="dl_grey_floating_box">
    <span class="dl_choose_your_os_text">Choose your operating system:</span>     <select style="font-size:14px;" name="os" onchange="location = this.value;">

<option value="https://www.libreoffice.org/download/download/?type=deb-x86_64&version=5.4.7&lang=en-GB"; selected>Linux x86_64 (deb)</option> *************************************************** For some reason, the last </li> is marked in read, unlike any others listed. Actually I think I know what it is, but having the double "li" tag for and aft could work. **************************************************** <ul class="breadcrumb"><li><a href="/download/download/">Download</a><span class="divider">/ </span></li><li><li class="active">Download LibreOffice</li></li></ul>***********************************************************

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