
1. Brett
2. Guilhem
3. Heiko


 * OCS-Webserver (new extension site) deployment
   + On (403 until a basic deployment is
   + Guilhem: schema was missing from the repository, branching/release
     strategy unclear, maybe signs that OCS isn't mature enough for self
     deployment? Anyway, giving it a try now
   + Roadmap:
     - G: some hard coded references to and other
       opendesktop sites (priv. policy violation)
     - G: SSO try to get CAS working against
       . if the protocols aren't compatible, deploy own backend during test
         period, see how to get SSO to work in parallel
       → when done, report to the website list
     - Define and configure the categorization
     - Need custom footer (just a matter of updating the templates), icons, to
       make it close to our look and feel
     - Translations
     - Import existing extensions:
       . need to export blobs from Plone/Zope
     - assign authors not in SSO to anon/admin; when they want to update their
       work and create an SSO account, reassign to them

 * Download logs & update checks
   + Now in Matomo (live data, flushed every 1000 items / 5 min)
   + Adjust Custom Dimensions? (will be hard to do once we've imported
     old logs) Asked feedback to staff & a BoD snippet ~1week ago
   + Pending: Import old logs (in early April)
     - for post GDPR we don't have the client IP, only the GBP prefix
       and ASN.  Use that and fill the last bits with a truncation of
       a User-Agent digest
     - ~2000 days
       . 30-days sample yields 6M lines
       . estimated export time: 50 days (10s for each 1000 items)

 * Future of GeoLite Legacy (and Mirrorbrain)
   + (Matomo uses MaxMindDB's PHP module)
   + Accept that GeoLite Legacy databases are no longer updated?
     (incorrect result means users can be forwarded to bad mirrors,
     possible OK-ish now but not viable on the long run, cf. JP vs. AU
   + Use nginx's GeoIP2 module and patch Mirrorbrain to add support for
     the new MMDB format?
   + Try out an alternative like Mirrorbits?
     (used by VideoLan and other big projects) Low-hanging fruit project
     for new infra contributors?

 * [Matrix] instance and bridges (not prod yet)
   + Brett: haven't seen huge push for native bridges, can use's bridges instead? they don't support password-protected
     channels though
   +'s bridges are zero maintenance, let's not bother setting
     our own for now, and maybe revisit later, should BoD decide to adopt
     [Matrix] as a messaging platform
   + Brett: wish the service was faster and less resource consuming
     (compared to XMPP at least)
     - it's already way better than 1y ago, so hopeful that it'll keep
       improving in the future

 * WhatCanIDoForLibreOffice hosting: dedicated VM? along with another
   service? outside TDF infra?
   + Just a few static pages, can move to vm161

 * Large build logs on CI
   + $ stat -c "%s  %y  %n" gerrit_linux_clang_dbgutil/builds/28522/log
     4310351176  2019-03-18 08:40:12.829540699 +0000  
   + Most build logs are smaller but many are ≥200MiB, that just can't
     scale, need to understand what happens here
   + AI guilhem: Poke cloph when he's back

 * Next call: Tuesday April 16 2019 at 18:30 Berlin time (16:30 UTC). 
   (Note the DST!)


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