Hi guilhem,

Am 24.08.2020 um 15:58 schrieb Guilhem Moulin:
> On Mon, 24 Aug 2020 at 14:46:51 +0200, Dennis Roczek wrote:
> Which feature do you have in mind here?
>  * Posting from the web: I think Nabble's way of it is terrible: 1/ it's
>    3rd party so we don't know how they validate accounts etc. 2/ they
>    use the user's address as envelope sender and From: header but use
>    their own SMTP client so it breaks SPF and other strict DMARC
>    alignment checks one would normally want to do on a mailing list where
>    there is potential of spamming thousands of users at once (and damage
>    the reputation of our MTA).
Normally, beside the technical implementation and concerns: yes: exactly

>    FTW I count 33 queued messages (not necessarily ML posts, might
>    also include subscription requests etc.) from 13 different senders
>    from Nabble in the past month.  In contrast we've archived over 1700
>    posts.
Because Alain just in this moment had a problem with sending a mail
(hence requesting more rights by contacting an administrator): most
"forums" / mailing lists are nether than less read only for mostly

Hence the low count of messages... :-(

>  * Full text search, cleaner archive looks: we can easily tweak the
>    template to allow for that.  I actually started working on that week
>    in preparation for the FDO migration.

>  * Feed: dunno if that's easily doable.
Feed would be cool, although I guess not many people will use it. (easy
implementation as it is the same only packaged in an xml)

> We could also bridge the mailing lists with Discourse or whatever Q&A /
> discussion platform we adopt, though having two authoritative sources for
> posts sounds kind of wrong to me.
And still many do request exactly this!

(although you are right)


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