All right - it's freeze day, and I *believe* we're good to ship. Fresh 
eyeballs welcome; I've been staring at these pages way too long.

I've also added these (and tweaked the content on) the talking points,, which are 
now done and ready to ship to Ambassadors (Marketing team, take note!)

I've checked each page for content, banner, and at least a main 
screenshot on the front page. The final changes (screenshots for soas 
and design) are syncing now but should be up in an hour or so. The 
screenshot (actually an action shot) for design has slightly offset text 
when you click the image to enlarge it, but it's still legible (and I 
couldn't figure out how to fix it), so... all right.

I talked with Sijis in #fedora-websites tonight and he explained that 
he'll filter content automagically on release day so the correct spins 
(with their smaller banners) will show up on the main spins.fp.o page, 
and that download links are similarly automagically created then.

Thank you to Sijis for his patient help in all things related to the 
website build system, Joerg for making the Security spin site totally 
shine, Peter for Moblin spin content corrections, Sebastian for 
screenshots and template change-merging ninjahood, Mo for design advice 
and the Design spin action shot, Melanie (first time Fedora/Design 
contributor) for creating all the banners that we needed at the last 
moment, the Allegheny crew for being game and helping us discover our 
need for (which, 
btw, could use some help now that we know the answer to "how do you make 
a spin page?" is "it takes too long"), Ian for copyediting and trademark 
reminders, and... well, if I've forgotten anyone, please holler. :)

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