On Wed, 2010-11-03 at 11:48 -0700, John Poelstra wrote:
> I had the same thoughts Jon did when I went to fedoraproject.org on 
> release day.  Was it by design that we did not prominently call out the 
> new release?  Are we planning anything different for Fedora 15?

I filed a ticket and finally joined this list after posting that. I
would strongly suggest two things (very *strongly* suggest):

1). References to words like Contribute must immediately be changed to
"Wiki". Everyone knows what a wiki is, and to not have the word wiki on
the new site is going to hurt us.

2). There should always be some splash related to whatever release just
happened. A giant "We're number 1, look how great we are, Go Fedora Go!"
type affair on a release day.

On a lesser note, I find the new website far too "busy", filled with
lots of things. It looks nice, but there's so much data on the page it
is easy to miss things. Contrast that with Ubuntu:

1). Giant image at the top of the page saying "The perfect 10 is here!"
2). Single simple paragraph explaining what it is, and why you want it.
3). Very prominent link at the *top of the page* to the download.

I don't mean to sound unenthusiastic about the new design. While
visually appealing, it sadly doesn't "do it" for me like the Ubuntu page
does in saying what I want and how I get it.


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