On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 5:10 PM, Kévin Raymond
<shai...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> 2012/3/29 Máirín Duffy <du...@fedoraproject.org>:

>> For slide 1, we can simply use the desktop wallpaper background and the
>> design team can put together a nice screenshot.

Sounds good to me.

>> For slide 4, we can use the group photo Russell Harrison took at FUDcon
>> Blacksburg:
>> http://blog.russellharrison.com/2012/03/21/find-waldo-at-fudcon-blacksburg-2012/
> This picture is great.

I agree. They look fantastic.

> I have already thought about the new features, but don't really know
> what could be featured. The kernel 3.0? :)
> I am ok with Gimp.

Gimp is fine.

In looking at the features list, I see a theme of cloud and virtual
system tools/services being included in this release.
We could look at these features and break them into 2 groups: 1)
technical 2) casual user/front-end

I would put Gimp, CUPS color, Font Config, Network Manager and KDE in
"user" group.
The cloud/vm stuff is in the "technical" category.

So my thought is maybe we can create 2 slides, 1 targeted for each
group. Is that too much or unnecessary?

> Elad, you want the Games spin.. Is there any news or big update on
> this spin? I am registered on this mailing list, but it's really low
> traffic and I haven't seen any news. But we still could feature it.

Who doesn't like games?!

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