Le dimanche 30 juin 2013 à 19:28:17 (-0500), Doanld L Garrison a écrit : 
> Dear Personnel
> I am interested in contributing and/or learning.  I am new to Fedora but I 
> have
> worked in the Unix world as a System Admin.  I will admit however that I have 
> a
> lot to learn.  If you have an e-mail list I would like to be on it.  I have
> noticed the easyfix items and will begin there soon.  I know I haven’t said
> much here but we will get to know each other (I am not much into bragging J ).

Hi Donald,

Welcom on the websites mailing list.
Here is where we get our requestes (it's a webmaster@fpo alias). You
already subscribed no?

To get started, you might want to read the following page:

If you are an IRC addict, please come by #fedora-websites on Freenode and
say hi ;)

If you have an other queries, please ask, we are here to help people
joining us with new ideas and fixes.
Of course, you don't need to know everything yet.

We use Python (Genshi), HTML and JS mostly.

> Donald L Garrison

> -- 
> websites mailing list
> websites@lists.fedoraproject.org
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/websites

Kévin Raymond

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