On Fri, 2013-08-30 at 01:30 +1000, Ankur Sinha wrote:
> New blog post, still not on planet. :(

Well, threebean and giarc sat and dug it out with me earlier today. The
issue seems to be with the useragent that httplib2 sends over. For some
reason, the server doesn't like it, as threebean uncovered:

> >>> import httplib2
> >>> h = httplib2.Http()
> >>> response, content = h.request("http://ankursinha.in/blog/feed/";)
> >>> response.status
> 406
> >>> response, content = h.request("http://ankursinha.in/blog/feed/";,
> headers={'user-agent': 'trololololololol 9000'})
> >>> response.status
> 200

Googling up seems to point to mod_security rules (not much idea what this is 
exactly). I'm heading to file a ticket with my host now.

Other blogs that *seem* to be affected, and need to be notified are owned by 
these users:

http://fabian-affolter.ch/blog : Fabian Affolter


http://www.gadgetwisdom.com/ : (Not sure who controls this one)


/me goes to blog about this debugging session.
Warm regards,
Ankur (FranciscoD)


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