2013/12/3 Gabriele Trombini (mailga) <mai...@fedoraonline.it>:
> Hello everyone,
> My name is Gabriele Trombini (FAS mailga), from Italy.

Hi Gabriele,

> In accordance with my intention of givin' the best help I can to the
> Project, I'd like to join the website group (I haven't found the "apply"
> button in the FAS).

don't worry about it.

> At the moment I'm following steps for understand tools and works.

great, if you have questions please ask, here or on IRC #fedora-websites.

> In the meantime I improve my knowledge, a bit freezed due to a long
> time of inactivity.
> My skills are: PHP, HTML/CSS and a great willing to learn.

That's enough for now. If you know a bit of PHP you won't have
difficulties to understand our easy Python scripts. You can learn
everything by doing, your "great willing to learn" is awesome and will
have success.

> I'm looking forward to start.

Nice, man power is very welcome. You can look at our easyfix tickets
[1] or if you want you can start working on one of the other tickets
in the websites trac [2].
BTW, have you already cloned our repo? Start by looking at it locally,
maybe you want also to understand better the 960 grid system we use
[3]. in the end you should also read how our workflow [4] is set

> Best regards.
> Gabri

Looking forward to your website's contributions.
See you.

[1] http://fedoraproject.org/easyfix/#fedora-websites
[2] https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-websites/report/1
[3] http://960.gs/
[4] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Websites/workflow

Robert Mayr
websites mailing list

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