#284: Fedora 21 website: TODOs
 Reporter:  robyduck  |       Owner:  webmaster
     Type:  task      |      Status:  new
 Priority:  critical  |   Milestone:  Fedora 21
Component:  General   |  Resolution:
 Keywords:            |  Blocked By:  248, 282, 283
 Blocking:            |

Comment (by robyduck):

 Last update here, things to do are:
 * pulling po files works for stg only. For production we still need a
 small fix, but it should be all ok for release time.
 * we need to add redirects in redirects.conf on puppet for
 -- fedoraproject.org/verify [[br]]
 -- fedoraproject.org/keys [[br]]
 -- fedoraproject.org/get-fedora* [[br]]
 -- fedoraproject.org/static/images/banners/f21release.png

 * check ALL links (DL, DOCS, footer) for getfedora and spins.fp.o
 * add image sizes for getfedora.org and spins.fp.o to our globalvar.py
 * add AMI IDs, 64bit only (contact oddshocks)

Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-websites/ticket/284#comment:1>
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