#390: Add wcidff.org and fp.o/easyfix to getfedora.org
  Reporter:  jflory7      |      Owner:  webmaster
      Type:  enhancement  |     Status:  new
  Priority:  major        |  Milestone:  ASAP
 Component:  getfedora    |   Keywords:
Blocked By:               |   Blocking:
 = Proposal =

 There are two useful sites to directing visitors who are interested in
 contributing to Fedora, [http://whatcanidoforfedora.org/
 whatcanidoforfedora.org] and [https://fedoraproject.org/easyfix/
 fedoraproject.org/easyfix]. It would be useful to have these sites added
 to [https://getfedora.org/ getfedora.org].

 = Analysis =

 Having these links to those pages on getfedora.org can direct potential
 new contributors to interactive resources that can help jumpstart them
 into contributing somewhere in the project.

 = Implementation =

 This would probably belong best in the footer, under "Join". I think
 wcidff.org should be placed at the top as it's one of the best resources
 to point newcomers to and deserves extra highlighting. Easyfix can be
 placed in whatever order makes sense to the designer.

Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-websites/ticket/390>
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