
if you really click the right button and the result is not the same,
then it means that something wasn't done correctly by WebTest.

It has probably to do with JS support. You can give a try to a recent
HtmlUnit snapshot or wait ~1 week until HtmlUnit-2.4 is released and
integrated in WebTest.
Alternatively you can try to isolate the problem and open an issue for it.

Web: http://www.efficient-webtesting.com
Blog: http://mguillem.wordpress.com

Braulio wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm trying to create a WebTest script that clicks on a "Sign In" button that
> uses "onClick".  Here's the code for that button:
> # 
> I've tried to use clickElement but the expected page does not load and I get
> an error that says: "Wrong document title found!" since the subsequent
> "verifyTitle" check fails.  Here's my code:
> <clickElement description="click the Sign In button" 
>       xpath="//a[contains(@onclick, 'document.logon.submit')]"/> 
> <verifyTitle text="Shopping Cart"/>
> WebTest reports that the element is clicked but the expected page fails on
> my check. What am I doing wrong?
> Thanks for your help!
> Brau.

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