
onload event are surely fired, this can't be the cause of the problem.

Your WebTest source doesn't help to understand what is going wrong ;-(
If you can isolate the problem, the HTML and JS code allowing to
reproduce it would be useful.

Web: http://www.efficient-webtesting.com
Blog: http://mguillem.wordpress.com

Diptendu wrote:
> Hello,
> It seems that the Body Onload event is not firing in our webtest.
> The application is working as expected using the browser but 
> behaving differently when using Canoo WebTest. The difference
> is that code that should execute in the OnLoad handler is not executing.
> This is seen by comparing the "Resulting page" that is getting generated
> after 
> the last successful step (that happens to be a "sleep" put in to work with
> AJAX call) to the page produced normally through the browser.
> The log shows both the call as well as the defintion of the event
> handler:
>     [sleep] DEBUG (httpclient.wire.content) - << "<body
> onLoad="onload_click()">[\n]"
>     [sleep] DEBUG (httpclient.wire.content) - << "function onload_click()
> {[\n]"
> But I do not seem to see any Fire event for OnLoad. 
> The test is given below:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <project basedir="." default="wt.full" name="webtestproject">
>     <property name="wt.deleteReports.skip" value="skip"/>
>     <property file="${basedir}/webtest.properties"/>
>     <property name="webtest.home" value="C:\webtest"/>
>     <property name="wt.config.resultpath" value="${basedir}/results"/>
>     <property name="wt.config.saveresponse" value="true"/>
>     <property name="wt.config.summary" value="true"/>
>     <property name="wt.config.haltonerror" value="false"/>
>     <property name="wt.config.haltonfailure" value="false"/>
>     <property name="wt.config.saveresponse" value="true"/>
>     <import file="${webtest.home}/webtest.xml"/>
>     <target name="wt.testInWork">
>         <webtest name="myTest">
>             <config basepath="${webapp.name}"
>                 haltonerror="${wt.config.haltonerror}"
>                 haltonfailure="${wt.config.haltonfailure}"
>                 host="${application.host}" port="${appserv.port}"
>                 protocol="${protocol.name}"
>                 resultpath="${wt.config.resultpath}"
>                 saveresponse="${wt.config.saveresponse}"
>                 showhtmlparseroutput="true"
>                 summary="${wt.config.summary}">
>                 <option name="ThrowExceptionOnScriptError" value="false"/>
>             </config>
>             <steps>
>                 <invoke
> url="${protocol.name}://${application.host}:${appserv.port}/${webapp.name}/servlet/interfaceengine.PortalServlet?IID=LoginPage"/>
>                 <!--<selectForm name="LoginPageform"/>-->
>                 <setInputField name="accuseridinput" value="diptendu"/>
>                 <setInputField name="accpasswordinput" value="diptendu"/>
>                 <clickButton label="Sign In"/>
>                 <sleep seconds="12"/>
>                 <verifyElementText htmlId="companyName" text="ABCD Ltd"/>
>                 <clickLink label="User Creation"/>
>                 <verifyElementText htmlId="ladmintitle" text="User
> Creation"/>
>                 <followFrame name="ladminFrame"/>
>             </steps>
>         </webtest>
>     </target>
> </project>
> Regards. 

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