Hi All

I have the  following code snippet in jsp to verify using Webtest.Canoo.

<h2>Struts Examples with Code</h2>
<p>This is a collection of examples which demonstrate some of the more
  used Struts Tags. Familiarity with the Java(tm) Programming Language and
  is assumed. </p>
<p>To navigate your way through the examples, the following icons will
help: </p>
<table border="0" cellspacing="5" width="85%" >
  <tr valign="top">
    <td width="30"><img alt="" src="images/execute.gif" /></td>
    <td>Execute the example</td>

I had been trying to test using verifyText  but in vain.

        <verifyText description ="Struts Examples with Code"
         text="&lt;h2&gt;Struts Examples with Code&lt;/h2&gt;" />

         <verifyText description ="Struts Examples with Code"
         text="&lt;p&gt;This is a collection of examples which demonstrate
some of the more frequently" regex="true" />
         <!-- verifyText description ="Struts Examples with Code"
text="  used Struts Tags. Familiarity with the Java&lang;tm&rang;
Programming Language and HTML" regex="true" /-->
         <verifyText description ="Struts Examples with Code"
         text="  is assumed. &lt;/p&gt;" />
         <verifyText description ="Struts Examples with Code"
         text="Execute the example" />

Please note that the first verifyText tag executes successfully but it
fails in subsequent steps.

Please suggest me a better way to do....


Vikas Lall

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