
this is really really surprising.

For the facts: this is a quite old test that passed on different OS and that definitely still pass on my computer (Linux Ubuntu 8.04) and on the build server (Linux with a Debian or RedHat distribution).

Hari, Vaughn, which JVM do you use? Can you try to comment out the verifyProperty step in storeDigest.xml line 19 to see if the MD5 check pass or not. Can you check as well if for some reason the dummy.html file is not corrupt?

Blog: http://mguillem.wordpress.com

Harihara Vinayakaram wrote:
It fails in Linux too (I am using 8.04 Ubuntu ) and it fails in the same palce


On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 9:08 AM, Vaughn Spurlin <vaughn.spur...@sun.com <mailto:vaughn.spur...@sun.com>> wrote:

    I'm porting WebTest to OpenSolaris, and that requires building from
    source and passing all tests. Building works, but testing fails on
    Solaris 10 and OpenSolaris. On WindowsXP all tests pass with no
    problem. I'm working with R_1736, but I've seen the same results
    with other recent development versions. Details are pasted below.

    What should I do to identify the root cause? Is this a WebTest
    problem, or something I can fix in the Solaris environment?


    Running "ant develop" ends with:

    /export/home/vaughn/webtest/R_1736/build.xml:570: The following
    error occurred while executing this line:
    /export/home/vaughn/webtest/R_1736/build.xml:674: The following
    error occurred while executing this line:
    /export/home/vaughn/webtest/R_1736/build.xml:741: Warning: Could not
    find file
    to copy.

    The last test results directory created is:


    In that directory WebTestReport.xml identifies the failed test as

    <summary Implementation-Title="Canoo Webtest"
    <testresult endtime="Thu Jan 08 21:12:29 PST 2009"
    " starttime="Thu Jan 08 21:12:29 PST 2009" successful="no"
    testspecname="storeDigest: Show how to use storeDigest step">
    <parameter name="port" value="19090"/>
    <parameter name="summary" value="yes"/>
    <parameter name="protocol" value="http"/>
    <parameter name="host" value="localhost"/>
    <parameter name="resultpath"
    <parameter name="saveprefix" value="response"/>
    <parameter name="basepath" value="selftest"/>
    <parameter name="defaultpropertytype" value=""/>
    <parameter name="resultfile" value="WebTestReport.xml"/>
    <parameter name="haltonerror" value="yes"/>
    <parameter name="errorproperty" value=""/>
    <parameter name="saveresponse" value="yes"/>
    <parameter name="haltonfailure" value="yes"/>
    <parameter name="failureproperty" value=""/>
    <parameter name="autorefresh" value="false"/>
    <parameter name="showhtmlparseroutput" value="no"/>
    <parameter name="timeout" value="300"/>
    <step duration="3" result="completed" taskName="invoke">
    <parameter name="-> complete url"
    <parameter name="url" value="dummy.html"/>
    <resultFile name="001_response_invoke.html"/>
    <step duration="3" result="completed" taskName="storeDigest">
    <parameter name="=> value" value="f1 59 85 54 26 b9 5a 94 6a 71 6a
    75 50 5a b7 52 47 f8 7d cf"/>
    <parameter name="property" value="dummyDigestSHA1"/>
    <resultFile name="003_response_storeDigest.html"/>
    <step duration="1" result="completed" taskName="lineSeparatorFilter">
    <resultFile name="002_response_lineSeparatorFilter.html"/>
    <step duration="0" result="failed" taskName="verifyProperty">
    <parameter name="name" value="dummyDigestSHA1"/>
    <parameter name="text" value="4e 7e c7 59 21 9 15 44 52 f3 45 70 76
    b9 a1 93 e7 b3 78 f2"/>
    <step duration="0" result="notexecuted" taskName="storeDigest">
    <parameter name="property" value="dummyDigestMD5"/>
    <parameter name="type" value="MD5"/>
    <step duration="0" result="notexecuted" taskName="lineSeparatorFilter"/>
    <step duration="0" result="notexecuted" taskName="verifyProperty">
    <parameter name="name" value="dummyDigestMD5"/>
    <parameter name="text" value="27 e2 37 6c ff d6 ac 13 65 8d 80 d9 94
    0 f7 21"/>
    <failure message="Incorrect property value found!">
    <detail name="expected value">
    4e 7e c7 59 21 9 15 44 52 f3 45 70 76 b9 a1 93 e7 b3 78 f2
    <detail name="actual value">
    f1 59 85 54 26 b9 5a 94 6a 71 6a 75 50 5a b7 52 47 f8 7d cf

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