Hi Colin,

can you check what is the text value that WebTest now finds in your span?

Web: http://www.efficient-webtesting.com
Blog: http://mguillem.wordpress.com

Colin O'Brien wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> Thanks for your reply to my query...
> ${report.focus} is a parameter I have set in my properties file... that
> bit you knew already... ;-) It evaluates to the following value: 'Items
> for a Sub'
> This is the only value I'm using for report.focus at the moment, I
> parameterised it initially with the intention of making that part of my
> webtest more reusable but, as yet, I haven't needed to use more that the
> 'Items for a Sub' value mentioned.
> Making the full xpath:
>     xpath="//sp...@class='pagetitle'][contains(.,'Items for a Sub')]"
> (Part of a verifyXPath step to validate I have navigated to the intended
> report page in my web app)
> Full step:
>     <verifyXPath
>         xpath="//sp...@class='pagetitle'][contains(.,'${report.focus}')]"
>         description="Verify that ${report.focus} page is open"
>     />

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