Hi All,
I am new to sqlunit5.0.I have issues in integrating sql unit with webtest
In "SQL Unit Integration" under Canoo webtest manual following script is given.
Can any one help me on where i need to include these scripts.
That is either in  webtest.xml or in the test file(flow1.xml).

<taskdef name="sqlunit" classname="net.sourceforge.sqlunit.ant.SqlunitTask"/>
<-- Testing SQLUnit using flat form of sqlunit call -->
<target name="sqlunit-flat">
   <sqlunit testfile="${testfile}" haltOnFailure="true" debug="${debug}"
         logfile="${result.file}" logformat="${log.format}" />

<-- Testing SQLUnit using nested form of sqlunit call -->
<target name="sqlunit-nested">
   <sqlunit haltOnFailure="false" debug="${debug}"
         logfile="${result.file}" logformat="${log.format}">
      <fileset dir="${test.dir}/${testdir}">
         <include name="**/*.xml" />
<-- reporting -->
<target name="canoo2html">
   <delete file="${output.dir}/${output.file}.html" />
   <xslt in="${result.file}"
         style="${etc.dir}/${webtest.style}.xsl" />

Thanks in Advance

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