Hi Florent,

thank you for your quick reply! :)

I got a little different groovy setup compared to yours:

public class TestSuite extends WebtestCase {

      void testPageLogin() {

            webtest("comment") {

      private void myMethod() {

using the groovy step, I can't access methods from the classes' instance

Accidentally I found out this working:

// creating webtest property using groovy step
property (name:"webTestPropertyID", value "myValue")

// defining groovy variable accessing webtest property
def groovyVar = "\${webTestPropertyID}"

important is the escaped backslash, which prevents groovy from evaluating
the expression.

Best regards,

             Florent Blondeau                                          
             .com>                                                      To
             Sent by:                  webt...@gate4.canoo.com         
             webtest-ad...@gat                                          cc
             14.04.2009 12:12                                      Subject
                                       Re: [Webtest] Copy WebTest property
                                       into groovy variable            
             Please respond to                                         

Hi Alessandro,

You're right... Groovy's the best way to use webtest !! ;-)

So, there's several possibilities :

If you want to copy a Webtest property in a groovy variable in the script
that launches the steps -> it's impossible
you cannot write :
          // config here
           def variable = groovy_var
because closures are executed at construction time and not at run-time
but... you can intercept it at the end of the step by writing an ant step
listener like :
      ant.getAntProject().taskFinished = {buildEvent -> def task =
                                                          if (task.taskType
== 'storeXPath'){
                                                              def variable
= task.dynamicProperties.groovy_var

DynamicProperties is the way to exchange variables between Webtest and
Groovy. You can easily add a Groovy Step like
groovy(description:"a way to get variables from webtest","""
                def document = step.context.currentResponse.documentElement
                def props = step.webtestProperties

                def variable = props.groovy_var //groovy_var is the one
from the storeXPath

                //and you can rethrow a groovy variable into webtest
                def webtest_var = doSomethingWith(variable)

and then use it in your steps :

Hope that helps

27, rue des arènes
49100 Angers

alessandro.co...@de.pwc.com a écrit :

      Dear all,

      I'm developing testcases in groovy.

      Is there a way to copy webTest property values into a groovy


      excelStoreCellValue( cell:"B4", property:"propertyCellB4",
      description:"Read cell value from B4" )

      Verfying is simple:

      verifyProperty(property:"propertyCellB4", value:"Periode",
      description:"Check property" )

      But how to copy?
      def myVariable = ????

      Any ideas appreciated! :)

      Best regards,

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