
I found that using the "haltonfailure" config option, that I still could not get the test to continue to the next step.

According to the documentation "Even when set to "false" all of the trailing <step>s of the current <webtest> will be skipped but processing will continue with the next <webtest>.". If I understand this and all the other threads I've read today, I need to start a new "<webtest>" for the next test step. If this is so, then I need a new invoke. This has also been noted by another fellow in one of the threads, but I can't find it again.

I am thinking that I have misunderstood something because this is a very well organized package. I figure I've got to have missed something. Is there a way around this that I have not found?

What I am currently doing is just testing menu buttons and verifying pages. A simple starter. But I'd like a full report of all the buttons, pass or fail, all at once. Not one or two at a time depending upon when it failed. Am I trying to do something that I should not?

Thanks much......;-)

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