On Fri, Dec 07, 2001 at 01:38:52PM -0800, Chuck Esterbrook wrote:
> Okay, on more positive note without getting into flamewars again, I 
> have been thinking the following, but need help from emacs users in the 
> answers:
> - Recently, I saw a text file where someone included special comments 
> that apparently emacs picked up automatically and used for 
> configuration. Is that possible?

Yes, there are some ways you can define Emacs settings on a per-file
basis.  I can't remember the syntax, but you put it in a
specially-formatted comment in the file.  It would have to be in all
files, I don't believe Emacs picks up configuration files otherwise.

I've also found that as long as I leave the tabwidth at 8, the
auto-tab-detection works correctly -- i.e., Emacs inserts tabs in files
that use tabs, and spaces in files that use spaces.  I don't know why it
doesn't work with a tabwidth of 4.

This isn't pretty, lines wrap poorly, but at least I don't break code
that way.

The '''-quoted doc strings are still also a problem for Emacs.


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