On Tue, 2002-04-09 at 23:37, Terrel Shumway wrote:
> On Tue, 2002-04-09 at 20:51, Tripp Lilley wrote:
> > We could take the pains to make a lean, mean Apache package 
> What would it take to create a "lean, mean Apache"?
>  mod_rewrite 
>  mod_webkit
>  mod_ssl
>  mod_auth_db
>  mod_ssi (or mod_patch)
> cut out everything else?

I think it wouldn't even include these -- rather, you'd also include
what mods were important to your particular project (i.e., Webware would
have mod_webkit, mod_rewrite, and mod_ssl -- mod_auth_db and mod_ssi
don't seem important to Webware -- another project might not have
mod_rewrite, or might have mod_auth_db, etc).

You could cut the build tools and documentation, maybe even
mod_fancy_index (that's a mod, isn't it?) and a bunch of other
near-standard modules.  At the same time, Webware is close enough to a
built-in web server that that seems near as simple.

Anyway, this should be clearly directed at *only* Windows.  These issues
are all much better dealt with by the packaging systems on Linux OSes.

> For future proofing, use Apache 2.0 now, rather than 1.3

I suppose, but it should also be possible to use 1.3 since you aren't
looking for a featureful server anyway, just a compact and reliable one.

Anyway, this might not be at all difficult, or maybe it's already been
done.  The whole module system seems to be meant to facilitate this, and
make Apache easy to trim down.


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