On Don, 2002-12-05 at 03:20, Ian Bicking wrote:
> I don't use PSP, so I'm just guessing here...
> >   <Location /wk>
> >     WKServer localhost 8087
> >     SetHandler webkit-handler
> >   </Location>
> Do you need this /wk at all?

Well, for the administration scripts and documentation it comes in
handy. Otherwise not - ATM.
> >   <Location />               <--- this seems to be totally disregarded?
> >     AddHandler psp-handler .psp
> >   </Location>
> And what happens if you add a WKServer line in this Location?

That did the trick. I guess I was just too fixed on the httpd.conf
example of mod_webkit where the AddHandler directive came without
WKServer. But now that I know it it seems pretty logical.

Thanks a lot.


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