So is being used extensively?

It appears that it is incompatible with the AppServer shell script, and, in that it does not support starting, or restarting the appserver
with arguments specified to AppServer/Launch...

Is it intended as an alternate to AppServer/Launch with reduced
functionality of not supporting command line arguments?

Seems like you could have replace, and have a mode
where it sticks around to provide continual monitoring, or just does a
one-shot monitor and exit.  Any time it detects the AppServer is not
responding, it would do its thing of restarting the appserver.  Perhaps the
command-line arguments need to be saved in a file and re-loaded to insure
their re-use?  

What is AsyncThreadedAppServer?  Is this somethign new, or something
obsoleted?  Monitor seems to default to this.  It also doesn't look like it
works with NewThreadedAppServer as-is.

Stuart Donaldson
Alerton Technologies Inc.

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