On Wed, 2003-01-08 at 19:35, Edmund Lian wrote:
> Before I abandoned my design, I had something much simpler:
> class MyForm(Form):
>     def createForm(self):
>         self.addField(TextField("myTextField", ...))
>         self.addField(IntegerField("myIntField", ...))
>         self.addButton("buttonName", ...)
> The advantage of this is that you could add fields and buttons to MyForm
> very easily on-the-fly, and you could also control the generation of fields
> even during instantiation via code in the createForm() method.

This looks similar to FormKit, from what I remember, and is a design I
specifically chose not to use.  It certainly is easier to hack out a
page that way -- it's very imperative, and easy to think out, and I can
appreciate that.  But more and more I want to think of the form as an
interface, and an interface only makes sense when it's declarative. 
Part of the advantage of a class definition is that it's a declarative
style people are used too -- as it is now you might almost imagine it's
imperative, but it's not, and I imagine that disconnect frustrates

CherryPy I believe uses class definitions, though I haven't looked
closely at it.  Formulator is all crazy because it's in Zope.  I haven't
looked around at other form generators in a while, but back when I did I
didn't see much that excited me.

> Also, unlike your Form class, mine did not attempt to extract and deliver
> data to each field from the request stream. It just passed the transaction
> object to each field, and each field was responsible for extracting what it
> needed, as well as casting data to the appropriate data type.

That's actually what FFK does, more or less, but since most fields just
take out a single value I factored most of the logic into the Field
class, and more complex fields can override the necessary methods to
grab more information from the request.


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